Community call notes Oct 2

Agenda and minutes:

17 Lote4 sessions so far

40 participants confirmed

Room configuration at unMonastery: we need to have a clear idea of the space and equip rooms in advance:

3 large caves

Back house across the unMon -> allows for one session because of bad acoustics

Smaller office spaces

Comitato has a larger room upstairs -> good for plenaries? holds 50 ppl

1 projector, white boards, electrical equipment available

Building floor plans:

Registration: moving on to a new process for last minute arrivals:

To keep in simple we’re creating a new event page on Facebook (bilingual, in En and Italian)

  • to do for Noemi, the rest of us help by posting and welcoming people

Open food budget: create a planning wiki and budget to work on with Natalia and Katalin

Can we have food sessions during the event, built in the actual agenda? Perhaps something recreating Matera cuisine? Emanuele’s dad knows producers in the region.

26th afternoon and evening would be suited for Food Safari or local businesses fair; ideally they would send the tickets at Lote4 Registration or during each morning; it requires coordination of someone who has a vested interest in this!

  • Nico to get in touch for contacts of Emanuele's dad
  • Natalia to contact the Sustainable Tourism group to organise the food walk? unAperitivo

Printing & logistics – we want to keep this at a mimum, no need for flashy banners; arrival package& badges, need to order soon? @Nadia working on arrival package, preferably to have it printed in Matera?

-box of prints from last year available at unMon

Print shops in Matera:

unMonastery (not so) lite: establishing house rules and ways to communicate it. “We would like to exhibit thruogh behavior rather than markers”, following up on the volunteers’ TShirts discussion

  • Katalin and Bembo to write post to better introduce the house habits: eg the speaking stone habit. What we think is a really important part of being an unMonasterian, you can try!

Making sure the program reflects desired outcomes -  we have to have 15 minute documentation breaks for people to post comments on session pages on

(proposed by Nadia but undiscussed, as she got disconnected)