Challenge Intro: Family & Partnership

The young generation is typically portrayed in the public space through a set of characteristics that differentiate them from previous generations. In Egderyders, we look at innovation and adaptation to modern life as differentiating forces: the young are not intrinsically different from anyone else, we behave differently from our parents because we live in a different world from the one they inhabited at our age. What about the private sphere? Have family constellations changed?

  • In your search for making a living and advancing in your work, you probably are not alone or also look to share your accomplishments with a significant other; maybe pass your knowledge on to your children. In this journey, how are you building a family of your own?
  • what are you looking for in a rewarding family life? What, if anything, has changed compared to how you yourself were brought up, and how?

Good for you: We know this is a rather intimate subject, but see it as an opportunity to share your views with people that are confronting their own aspirations with other models, different pressures, and you’ll learn we may be very much alike when it comes to values underpinning our private lives.

Good for everyone: Some of us are anxious about creating our own families before we fully stand on our feet. We’d be happy to read what works for you and what doesn’t, and learn from that!

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Start now! Or get the bigger picture on Living together.