Challenge briefs and Video Scripts

Hello All,

Two things I would like to ask you to do for moving the communication efforts around OpenCare forward:

  1. Finalising Challenge briefs: the first draft of the contents of the public facing site are now ready for feedback/changes from the project partners. The visual design, including how people will submit contributions, is not up there yet as we want to focus on just the texts and links for now. So please click around, have a look and propose edits to the different pages, especially the challenge briefs… Leave your feedback in one comment below (compose it in a editor document with all urls where you want changes, then copy past it below):

  2. Propose edits to the Video script:  We now have the raw video materials from your individual interviews. As well as a first rough edit of a short video to introduce the project. It still needs a lot of work. So have a look at the video interviews, the first rough edit (which I don’t like) and the proposed script I made for changing it. Leave your feedback in a separate comment below (compose it in a editor document with all urls  where you want changes, then copy past it below) :

Need permission

to see that Google Document.


Thanks for the heads up

Suggestions for site copy:

Lovely work @Nadia!

  1. As a public facing site, I suggest all links lead to pages on that same minisite – if not, people are confused by new menus. So I changed former link to Open Meetups  with new link. Same for link to consortium Partnership (new).
  2. I would remove from the mission on the home page “privacy-friendly” – it sounds too specific / tech based, while the mission should be broad and easy to understand.
  3. I would change “Build prototypes to test your ideas.” With “Build technological and non-technological prototypes to test your ideas.” I think the word “prototype” is (again) too tech skewed.

READ MORE link to the work space is misleading (see 1). I would put that content into a read-only intro with the same Op3nCare menu to it so people stay in the same group.

On How to participate page:

  1. Suggest shorter texts under values – they carry too much of our (Edgeryders) deep language


“We start by sharing experiences and research. We do this to discover what is already out there, what is needed by initiatives and the communities they serve. In doing this collaboratively, we increase collective knowledge. We also encourage peers in the movement to acknowledge one another’s good work and build on it, rather than waste resources on duplicating or competing with initiatives.”

  1. “Subscribe to the Op3nCare newsletter for updates coming soon. We can’t wait to see your submissions!” – suggest scraping it because on the page there is no link to Participate or Submit.

On Challenges page

  1. Scrap the introduction, we already have it on: How to Participate
  2. Here maybe what is useful is a collection of stories (Who else is taking on the challenge – also static content – just summaries with photos?)

On How it works page

Changes for consistency – to be able to understand Challenge, Fellowships and other opencare terminology:

  1. Collaborative sensing: how to participate (column 3) – Take on a Challenge … list active challenges (we need to keep consistent with the names)
  2. Collaborative sense making: how to participate (column 3) – Join the Fellowship… list the contributions:

    -“Contribute as an Op3nCare Active Learner” - replace with “Join fellow Op3nCare Active Learners for consistency” with the below lines and make it clear this is part of fellowships.

On the Fellowship page.

I think we need a timeline to stick to, how and how many Fellows we hope to find and can reward, and the process for that. That makes it clear to the consortium too.

Just go ahead and make the changes?

It’ll be faster if you just go ahead and change the copy where you see necessary :))

Re: Challenges. Some things you may have missed

So the “Challenges” link is supposed to point to a page where we aggregate links to the actual challenge spaces

1. Op3nCare menu “challenges” >> 2. Page where all challenges related to project are aggregated >> 3. Individual Challenge Page >> 3. Step in Individual Challenge (and one submission)

There are still some things to be sorted in the next day or so e.g. that there should be OpenCare group header and Op3nCare group menu for all challenge-related pages. You can follow the work in progress here:

You’re right.


Also, I realize now “privacy-friendly” could also mean “ethical”, so that might be better (Homepage first line)

Op3nCare is a global community working together to make health- and social care open source, privacy-friendly and participatory.

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Video script suggestion

As we are none of us native speakers of English, it is difficult to deliver well on camera :slight_smile:

So, I suggest a 1-2 minute video, with 45 seconds to 1.30 minute of interviews, with soundbites rather than arguments. The rest is made out of nice-looking fillings and music (compare the Masters of Networks video below).  Below is what I would keep. The snippets are in the order in which I would show them.

  1. Alberto to state the problem. "If you look at a graph of the growth of wealth, of GDP, and of the growth of medical expense, and care expense over time, you can see that medical expense, medical care grows much faster than GDP. What that means is that, over time, we use a bigger and bigger share of our production to stay alive, to stay well."  (at 2.46, duration 29s). "If the difference is too big, as it seems to be, pretty soon you will hit 100%, you'll be using all production just to stay alive. And that is clearly not sustainable." (at 3.22, duration 12s). 
  2. Zoe to introduce digital manufacturing as part of a solution: "As a makerspace, we are really interested in empowering people and finding their own solution" (at 00:54, duration 8s). "And finding their own solution" may be impossible to separate from what follows, in that case cut after "people".
  3. Guy to introduce the community dimension: "We also need care, I think, to change in nature. Not something given by some centralised structure down to the people, but something that would emerge from the people caring for each other."  (at 4.35, duration 16 s).
  4. Luce on the limits of top-down: "I want to see how they are going to implement the prototype, because it can be quite easy to pick some people's needs and say "We have to do something about it", but when you have to really use the tech, to design something..." (at 1.15, duration 15s)
  5. Costantino on building structure around artifatcs: "... to learn how to create systems around these good ideas" (at 2:39, duration 6s).
  6. Zoe to do the open thing: "Especially with open source technology and open  source design" (at 1:05, duration 6s).
  7. Rossana explains this is already happening: "I think for example that digital manufacturing, this network that we observe in Milan, related to makerspaces and fablabs â€“ they are already engagin with vulnerable groups in the population." (at 3.47, duration 22s)
  8. Guy introduces collective intelligence: "What I bring in is tools for people to look at themselves collaborating, to improve the process – the collaboration process itself" (at 1.40, duration 10s) 
  9. Rossana casts it as a policy problem: whole snippet starting at 4.50 (duration 16s). 
  10. Erik on institutional variables: whole snippet starting at 5:05 (duration 6s).
  11. Guy again on collective intelligence: "While things are happening, you are able to look at the network, how it organizes. Maybe act on the network itself to guide the process, to help the network – the comunity – succeed." (at 1:54, duration 12s).
  12. Marco on the opportunity of Opencare (at 0:34, duration 20s).
  13. Alberto on "we are all carers": first snippet (at =.00, duration 10s, probably not at the beginning)
  14. Nadia for prompting curiosity: "How many people are doing this already?" (at 00:30, duration 2s).

Total duration of the snippets: 190 s in this case. Makes for 3.30 video. Is that too long? What do you think, @SamMuirhead?

Should mention: Improvement on second rough edit, not first!


Video script

Is there a possibility of voice over? Or maybe a title "Who will care for you when you get older? We could do with something like that to grab us in the first few seconds.  I like the masters of network video because it states immediately what it is about.

I like Guy’s words: So we need Op3nCare, for many reasons I would say. Because people need care and that’s a crucial thing. We also need care I think to change in nature. Not something given by some centralized structure down to people but something that would emerge, from people caring for each other.  So I would tend to put that at or near the front. And then have Alberto explaining the challenge.

I say we want max two minutes. 90 seconds would be better.

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Thanks for the suggestions

I’ll be going through the cut (based on the new script) with Nadia tomorrow - I’m also collecting, designing and animating elements for the graphical parts of the video.

Where you talk about healthcare costs vs GDP over time, is there a specific example graph or data set that you’re thinking of? If we use this quote, I’d like to recreate and animate it a stylized version of this graph - to scale, but in the simple style of the other graphics from the video.

Similarly when Guy is talking about analysing the collaboration, the conversation - I’d like to show a stylised version of the network map here. I guess the Edgesense Demo is the best visual reference for this, right?

Charts and networks

Here there is one (not exactly the same thing, it’s per capita spending in health). But googling will find you many more.

Graph-wise, we improved quite a lot the visuals since that demo.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the cog icon next to the graph (second button from right).
  3. Enter a number (like 120) in the "Max age (days)" field. This simplifies the graph. 
  4. Play around with the interface (also pan, zoom etc.) until you get something you like. A good trick is to move the slider on the top of the visualization back in time.

great, thank you!

Comment on How it works?

Since the heading is how it works, I would start with spell out a bit of the background (who is involved and how the overall program is conceived before before spellng out the process.  Here’s my suggestion:


Op3ncare is an EU funded program made up of three things:

  • A PLATFORM where people can share stories, ideas and insights and make new connections;
  • A diverse and distributed COMMUNITY or network of individuals and groups, mainly in Europe but including the whole world, exploring alternative, more long-term sustainable solutions to healthcare;
  • A PROCESS that brings people together from this community to share, inspire, connect and collaborate.

The aim is to bring together people, virtually or physically, to gather and share stories, ideas and insights. Out of this will emerge new ideas, new solutions and new connections that benefit all.


There are two main roles:

  • The Op3ncarers:people who care, and are willing to share their stories about how they care. People like you!
  • The curators: these are people who have created and maintain the platform, and curate the content. Principally this is the hosts, Edgeryders (a consultancy that specialises in community-based solutions to complex societal challenges), Ezio Manzini (a leading design strategist for social innovation), and [insert others as you think relevant],


We (the curators) have devised a four stage process, described below. We invite you to engage at all and any stage.  Every single contribution is valued, whether it is telling a story, leaving a thoughtful comment, bringing cake to a community gathering or helping to build a prototype."

Then you have the table with the four stages. In the table, I would be careful about using “We” and instead be more specific. So rather than saying :   Yes, we’ve done this before :)   I would say “Edgeryders are experienced in taking concepts and turning them into reality” or something like that.

Under Impact, where it says TBC, I would put:

“It is too early to say exactly how the work will be taken forward. It will depend on the outcomes of the previous stages. What is fixed is a conference in September 2017 that will bring together all the various strands of work, and can also serve as a launchpad for new initiatives.”

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+1 for What

I very much find useful that introduction and would actually put it in the Home page.

We might do better if we can combine How to Participate + How it Works under 1 page…

Also, @Patrick_Andrews - I tweaked a little the text based on your recommendations.

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Home page

Here’s what i suggest:

"Op3nCare is a collaborative initiative designed to build a global community of individuals and institutions working together to enable better health and social care for all.

Op3care starts from the assumption that state and private institutions will be unable to meet the demands for care in the 21st century and that new, more open, participatory, community-based methods are required.

On this platform you can:

  • find out more about Op3ncare;

  • read research papers on different challenges in care and alternative approaches;

  • share your thoughts, ideas and challenges;

  • work with others to test out ideas; and

  • connect with others in your own on-line or local community."

I would put the video lowe down, below the “How to participate”. templates

One method of creating video’s quickly, with minimal equipment, is to use the templates found here,

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