The plan

How do we do this?

This morning I had a long talk with Raffaella, who is in charge of Social Media for Matera 2019 and is a very precious resource on the ground.

This is what we came out with:

  • every unMonasterian does 1 brief video in his own language: the structure should be similar, so the best thing would be to decide together the 5-6 points to adress. 
  • translation is done by kids from the linguistic school: they will "adopt" a project and speak about it in a simple, local language. They will be the ones spamming this around the Social Media, and creating momentum involving the people we're aiming at: kids, kids, kids.
  • 2/3 thematic Twitterstorms on issues related to projects on which we can collaborate sharing questions, knowledge and contacts
  • ask local TV to do a couple of sessions on the unMonastery once the first people arrive, and send the videos regularly on the channel

Does it sound any better than a clickfest? :slight_smile:

For the content of the videos, I was thinking:

  • Hi! My name is ... and I come from ... 
  • Present yourself (or your present quest) in a tweet
  • Present your project briefly 
  • Who is targeted?
  • What do you need, what are you looking for?
  • How would you explain the unMonastery to a 10 year old kid (or to your grandma)?
  • What are you expecting from Matera?

Of course, you don’t have to respect the order, or cover everything: feel free to add stuff!

Raffaella was proposing that for the first bunch of unMonasterians coming in Matera, she can film them here directly with the kids on the side.

What do you think?

How about a Community call to discuss all this?

[Dorotea] [Marilena] [pacheca] [Ben] [Bembo Davies] [Rita O] [mariabyck] [Cristiano Siri] [Marc] [elf Pavlik] [kathleen] [katalin]

And anyone else :slight_smile:

Sam’s video first!

I think it would be suicidal not to start by translating into Italian [Sam Muirhead]'s great video! [LucasG], is English transcription in Amara automagic? Or did you have to do it manually?

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YouTube does automagic, not Amara

YouTube does automagic transcription of at least some videos. If that’s available, then google2srt helps us grab the text file, we perfect it manually, we place in Amara. Otherwise, all manual. hth!

So, to-do list

  1. upload [Sam Muirhead]'s video onto YouTube (if he agrees. Sam, what do you tink of all this?)
  2. transcribe and refine the transcription
  3. move it onto Amara
  4. ask Italians to translate the subtitles.



Maybe the ideal thing would be to do on the Edgeyrders side so we have some material to show the kids when we involve the school.

I’ll put it on the Community MT2019 mission and see if it picks up on that side.

I haven’t yet tried

which might use the whole video (being tested I think) or the audio file.

works for me

although I think amara supports vimeo as well, doesn’t it? you should be able to just paste the vimeo link. if not, let me know and I will upload to youtube as well.

also, vimeo has FINALLY accepted that there are people in this world who don’t speak English and have (after 5 years of ignoring their community) enabled subtitles in the standard player. So ideally, once we have used Amara to coordinate and collaborate on the different subtitles, I can download the subtitle files and add them directly to the vimeo original. this means that there will now be subtitles anywhere the video is already embedded, and we don’t have different versions all over the place.

Good news…

…especially coming from a place where people do not speak English :slight_smile: But this has to change too, however!

sorry, didn’t see Lucas’ comment

as it turns out, it’s probably a good idea to read the whole thread rather than just replying to Alberto’s last comment… I didn’t realise youtube was needed for the transcription. uploading now! will send you a link soon.

In the meanwhile!

In the meanwhile I uploaded your video on the TIMU platform since we had to start from somewhere :slight_smile:

As soon as you send me the link I will change the link to the one with the Italian subtitles, so we won’t have the moaners complain for the English accent!

Thanks a ton!

did my video gotcha

Ilaria - always one to cooperate with wise initiatives, I have just sent you my video.

I am immensely proud of how your brilliant idea of pitching it to ten year olds, frees us from layers of oppressive self-importance.  It came in at just under 8 minutes, but hope that I’m enough of an old theatre tart to sustain the energy through a little bit of hand waving etc.  I thoroughly recommend this to my fellow travellers.

I’ve sent it to you privately via e-post as that seemed to involve the fewest variables – along the way it converted itself into a Google Drive document, although I’m not sure that I know how to retreive the link for that.  (it may or may not be logical)  Please lent me know if it lands in your mailbox.  You may of course post it here, or somehwere else, as encouragement to the others to get cracking on their contributions.  It really was painless, and as you may guess quite a bit of fun.  Oh, the garbage truck has just arrived on my street; it would have made an interesting background sound track…

Community call

yes, for a community call. Tell us when.

youtube may or may not work

Youtube may or may not work, but it’s worth a try. Just rewatched the video over at vimeo, and the voices are clear to me. Part of the text may already be in Ben’s video (if we remember where’s the piratepad for that), some is Italian already subtitled, and there are some silences. All in all, it’s 7 minutes so it shouldn’t be hard.

I read mentions of many more videos, mostly short ones. So this will be a test. As my teacher in epidemiology used to say: “each (flu) season is a pilot project for the next!”.

incomplete english subtitles on amara

Youtube did a pretty good job and now I’ve fixed up most of it, but Amara keeps freezing and I’ve got to go to a meeting, so here’s the link:

happy subtitling/translating everybody!

My presentation

Hi all,

I prepared this morning the presentation of my project (Open source solar tracker). It should last about 2’40’'. I’ll be in Matera the 1st of february so I’ll be able to record it quickly.

Italian translation of the summary of my project


I don’t know if it is useful here but I made with the help of Cristiano an italian translation of the summary of my project :

"Con questo progetto vorrei sviluppare un sistema open-source di solar trackers. I Solar trackers sono panelli solari che seguono il sole durante la giornata (come fanno i girasoli), in questo modo è possibile aumentare del 40% la produzione di elettricità rispetto ai panelli solari fissi. Il software e l’hardware utilizzati sono open-source, quindi il progetto potrà essere usato, adattato ai propri bisogni oppure migliorato da chiunque.

L’hardware che sarà usato per pilotare i motori del pannello è “Arduino”: open-hardware, molto conosciuto e fabbricato in Italia. Ho portato qui un prototipo che illustra il suo funzionamento (piccolo panello solare, due motori e una carta Arduino).

Mi piacerebbe evolvere il prototipo in un Solar tracker funzionante. Per farlo ho pensato di condividere le mie conoscenze lavorando con gli studenti dei licei e dell’università di Matera e dintorni. Sarà anche l’opportunità di aprire una relazione con la popolazione locale."

Preferred file format?

Hi I made a short video (3 mintues) about the community video project. I am wondering what is the best way to get it to the right people? It is a bit rough but I wanted to send along to see if I was heading in the right direction.
