

I'm a teacher in chemistry at the high school of Altamura (in Puglia, South Italy).
I always tried to understand the causes and mechanisms of social injustice and poverty. So I've been working on how to limit it in the world.
I'm pretty convinced that ethical banking is a very powerful tool to improve the society (I'm member of Banca Etica since 2000).
This means that you can build something economically sustainable along with improving the society. The Open-Source working model is a great example for this.

In my opinion one way of improving the society is to exploit renewable energy sources. Since 2006 I have become interested in Airborne Wind Technology (AWE) which utilises winds at high altitude. Since then I've been working in this domain: in 2008 I co-funded the WOW Spa company and my commitment was to evaluate the different AWE technologies. I have practiced windsurfing for more than 20 years which further feeds my understanding and fascination with aspects of aerodynamics.