first a short introduction for context :
I have been thinking about the use of networked computers as a aid to thinking at a global scale for a long time (about 30 years). During that time I did some test implementations, but there always were some obstacles for getting at the stage of a functional prototype with the free software tools available. Now appropriate free software tools exist.
The first project I know of that has a somewhat similar approach is the Incoma project
http://blog.incoma.org/new-release-of-incoma .
I participated in the workshop that started their first implementation in Madrid in 13’
http://medialab-prado.es/article/interactivos13_proyectos_seleccionados .
But it is still not really functional, and its aims are more limited than what I think of.
But my main problem is not implementation anymore, it is that I still do not see how to prevent that, future, tool being (mis)used by the present hierarchical power structures to maintain their hold on power.
So I am now trying to write a (hyper)text which clearly presents what is at stake. The aim is to see if a core group aware of the pitfals can emerge and aggree on a way to avoid them. I consider that as a social prerequisite to begin on a progressive implementation.
The text does not even mention an implementation, it is mainly philosophical and anthropological.
To help form such a core group I would like to have an online discussion about that text, when it is ready.
From what I have seen Assembl could perhaps be used for that aim.
So, if you make Assembl accessible on edgeryders, I would start a project using it, to see if it usable for my aims (which could become yours too). If it works it would mean that I would invite selected people I know, with very diverse backgrounds, to participate in the project.