Announce UNV project and roll out call for engagement managers

Announcement needs to go out asap, maybe this Friday with a big push throuhgout next week.

This project needs a lot of planning at stage 0 because it involves traveling in 6 countries and hosting events in each. We will rely on country engagement managers to reach out to their networks.

We have a solid base in countries we’ve worked in before to recruit engagement managers from there, but will be opening positions for ppl in Ukraine, Morroco, maybe Armenia; very important: needs to be fluent in local language and English.

Move out to its allocated group

This is not admin stuff anymore, now we are in project land. The coordination space is here.


Ok,  a draft is here.

Note to self: make this group fully public before going out with the call to avoid any visibility/ bug issues afterwards…

I suggest we publish asap, next week Thursday I plan to go public with STF Bucharest… unless smth comes up.

Marked as done

Post is up on the Blog and in this group, here.

Email sent out the entire futurespotters email list

this morning.