Assignment: Getting Realities to MVP

Hi! Quick update:

I took some time to work on other things this week after our recent deadline, but have started work on the documentation. I plan to finish off the last allocated hours on documentation and cleaning up our github issues during the coming week. That should prepare us for the upcoming hackathon and dedicated work week. :heart:

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I just pushed an update to the main README file for the project and added a README for both the UI and API. I go over some higher-level concepts and patterns that we use in the code, the main libraries and services and some specifics that are not easily inferred from reading the code.

@hugi and others, could you take a look and give feedback by replying here? Is it good enough to help everyone get started at the hackathon / dev week?

If the docs are good enough I’ll spend a little bit of time cleaning up our issues. Right now we have a lot of issues that are half-finished since we’ve completed them without proper auth. I want to create new issues for proper auth so that we can move the ones that are half-finished now.

@hspeijer is currently getting into the code and is looking at it with fresh eyes. Hans, do you think you could have a look and feedback?

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@hspeijer has started working on setting it up and is running into things that are probably good input to get the documentation up. We’re using the Gitter channel for faster back and forth chat.
@erikfrisk, could you check in with him there?

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Yes. First look is positive. I think I need to work on implementing something to get a feel for it and understand how it all fits together. I am not very good on getting this understanding by just reading the code.

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Would you like a small bite sized chunk to work on? I’d recommend looking into this:


By the way @erikfrisk, I’ve posted about our project on the Neo4j GRAND stack forum and am getting some interest.

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@hugi Great suggestion. I’ll get on it.

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@hspeijer I wrote to you with some more info about that story and others in Gitter as well :slight_smile: