Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 13VAL

Um, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored, for example, by car electronics like GPS?

No, I don’t. I think as everyone has has his handy his mobile phone in the in the bag carrying around it is more this this would be a more delicate thing. Um yes I think it’s it’s a strange argument if people. Yes. Yes.

Yeah. Other general concerns about privacy and in thinking about circular economy practices, for example, using electronic components.

If I use electronic components in in handy or in the car. Sorry. Oh, yes, I do. Yes. Who does not? I think. Yeah, I’m not very much up to. I try not to be too much surrounded by smart home etcetera. But I mean, the mobile phone is just something we need today. Everyone needs. Yes, Yes, it uses.

does Recycling and reusing means different things to you.

Yes. Reuse is like just not one way use, but use for a longer time. And recycling is for recycling. You need you take it, put it in another form. It’s more you need more energy to do that. So to reuse would be much better and only in the last way where you cannot really adapt it or repair it anymore, you would recycle it.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five very concerned. How concerned are you about environmental waste and pollution?

I would almost say a ten. I think I’m really well, I’m not thinking only about this, but it’s it’s really a very it’s became more and more very important thing to me as a child. I find it very important. And for some time I forgot a bit about it or but lately I really try to put a lot of energies in it and it’s yeah.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I travel no, I don’t have a car. I travel by bike and by train mostly. I haven’t flown for a long time now, so I try to have it a minimum and eating and stuff. So I eat less meat and so. Yeah.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

What do you think? I think as many as possible. I don’t think we have to count it, but it’s a change of mindset. So you would do it naturally. So every thing you can change and to find a way to do it in a way that is working for you. So you should do it. Yes.

And the last question, do you think circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

It’s a whole planet issue, Yes. Yes. But I mean, for for the more developed countries, it’s more like like a mandatory to to be concerned about it because we cost most of it. And we also have the option and the money and the possibilities to find solutions. So even if we’re a small country, maybe here, I think it’s not a reason for not to do something because, yes, we can find out new ways of attractive ways of living. Yes. Yeah.

Thank you very much.
