Brainstorming for the call: Behavioural, social and cultural change for the Green Deal

Seeing him today :slight_smile:

Sounds great.

But yes, I’d like an internal call to talk basics — just with @alberto, @marina and @martin?

I’m back on the 2/11, but feel free to do it next week without me, I’ll catch up!

Monday 26 at 10.00? Marina is excused. @IvanC should be there IMHO. After that, with @nadia we could get the Linkedin message going.


Works for me! I just had a great call with Flora (About — Flora Mary Bartlett), the colleague I mentioned:

She’s on board to help me with the climate change anthropology part of the grant writing and to propose the Sweden part of the ethnographic studies. We have some ideas about how to frame the comparative ethnographic studies around the proposal and will work on the concept note after our (alberto + martin + Ivan) meeting on Monday.

From what I can tell from the call, the ideal would be to have:

a series of comparative ethnographic studies (not unlike the “deep stories” in PARTENAIRE, EDGE working with universities like UniAalborg and communities like Blivande. Initial fieldsite ideas: Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Greece [potentially replace with southern France])
SSNA/network science (EDGE and UniBordeaux)
government partnerships (Milano? We can think through this)
Large online conversation on topics like the future of work (EDGE ala Nadia) with “transdisciplinary networks of experts, researchers, practitioners and relevant civil society organisations on behavioural, social and cultural change”
some experimental element, perhaps a partner doing experimental psychology, to study the behavioural change element.

This last bit is the most up in the air for me, and could be cut, but an experimental element seems to be something they are interested in, could strengthen the proposal, and could be interesting in general.


Great that this is advancing fast :slight_smile: when you’re ready, start the new dedicated thread for this call, like this one, so we use it for coordination.

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I can frame the series of ethnographic studies and find academic partners (with @anders, if he’s interested). And talk about the community connects with @hugi.

I can also work with @alberto and @melancon to write the SSNA parts of the proposal, as this is pretty standard for us and we have a good model from PARTENAIRE.

I can work with @nadia and @MariaEuler to frame the large online conversation proposals.

I will need help with the government partnerships, primarily.

And as for experimental psychology, it’s new terrain for all of us so I can do some exploring! @alberto might have fun dreaming that one up with me. Maybe actually we could do SciFi Economics style experimentation…

So priority questions for Monday’s call (@alberto @martin @IvanC):

  1. How to think about interfacing with existing partners from projects like PARTENAIRE – what they do, who might be good to get involved with on this one.
  2. How to incorporate government partnerships.
  3. The nuts and bolts of writing this thing – anything I need to know in terms of big-picture coordination.

Merci :slight_smile:


@chiara.certoma, what do you think about this call? I think a geographer perspective could be very interesting, if you have anyone in mind to do an ethnographic study in Italy.

Yes, thank @amelia.
Can you let me have the concept note so I can better grasp the overall idea and see how and where the geographic perspective can better help, and also what kind of ethnographic study you have in mind (sorry, just stepped into the discussion…). By the way: you mentioned Milan for any particular reason or will you be open to other cities?

Hi Chiara! Concept note will come in the next week or so :slight_smile: This is the call itself.

Not at all married to Milan, that was just a thought based upon a previous project. Completely open city-wise.

The general idea is to have ethnographic researchers (so, anthropologists or human geographers) working on ethnographic studies of attitudes towards climate change and communities working on different kinds of climate change/environmental activities in comparative field sites. Given that the call asks for a wide spread of European countries, and that this is highly related to the work you do, I thought you might have some ideas about how to frame the Italy part of the comparative ethnographic study – where in Italy, with what communities, and anyone who might be interested in participating in that part of the proposal (including yourself).

For example, in Sweden the plan might be to do 2 sites: one with a rural community in Northern Sweden who have negative attitudes toward bureaucratic notions of climate change, but who have highly sustainable environmentalist practices, and who are made up of mostly older people. The other fieldsite is a young community of makers and environmentalists co-working in Stockholm.

You could imagine a similar kind of study in Italy, potentially.

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Heads up @noemi can we move our conversation about event contents till afternoon?

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Let me know after Monday’s call if you will need some help regarding this part so I can do some research and also ask my colleagues in different regions and cities.


Let’s prioritise countries where core crew is physically , based. Makes life much easier. so Belgium, Stockholm

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Govt will depend on where we want to work. Belgium, Sweden is fairly easy and they are small countries with accessible public administrations. If it is framed in terms of Covid recovery that will make it ALOT easier to get people’s attention right now…

We had one participant from Länsstyrelsen Uppsala län, Regional Growth Advisor

The call is very general and include pretty everything (maybe you better understand the target?), which means having a large degree of autonomy.

From my side I think I can contribute:

  • to the methodological section, with complementing the ethnographic (digital ethnographic?) research with geographical perspective (including participatory fieldwork);

  • to the case identification and study.

The only important thing for me is that I need to have my home institution involved as a partner (because I need to “justify” my workload).
I think there is a good fit between ethnographic research focusing on the social behavioural changes or reaction to socio-environmental transition and human/cultural geography focusing on social group’s relationship with the space (both the physical and social) practices changes are (or should) occur - which is also crucial to link it to the perception and understanding of climate change because our experience strictly dependent on the context. there are several communities that can be involves. It would be probably good to select a “category” of communities whose practices we want to compare across Europe. For instance, frame and links/made comparable the different fieldwork on the base of shared geographically disadvantaging areas (such as urban marginal(ised) areas, urban fringes or peri-urban); or on their social characteristics (being elderly people or young unemployed etc.). I can help at contact-making and work myself with relevant communities in Italy, there are many of them.

First thing that comes to my mind for instance it that in Turin (about 1 billion inhabitants, N-W of Italy) a University-Students-City Council network is involved in mid-Nov in theClimathon 2019 (Climathon 2019 | UniToGO) (organised by impulse of the EU Climate Kic initiative

Should we prefer something more, say, grassroots, different kind of communities can be reached (farmers or urban agriculture communities against climate change; startuppers in sustainability-oriented technological poles…).

Turin, together with Naples, Milan, Bergamo and other cities officially declared the climate emergence last year -i.e. the city council should be in theory interested in joining (should this be an asset for the project).

There is the possibility that in a month, I will need to join another university, but I have contacts there too (and a large community of colleagues in geography that can help with communities’ involvement).
Should you need also Belgian cases, I know quite some people in Ghent active on climate transition (but you already have belgian cases I think).



I spoke to Climate-KIC.

News (not so good)

  • They will not lead. Already involved in many proposals, etc.

  • They might participate, but even there they have already been contacted by another org who wants to run in the same call. If we go ahead, it’s either have C-KIC in two proposals or they will have to have an internal process to pick one of the two consortia. This is what they did for PARTENAIRE, by the way, and then our consortium won.

  • They have doubts on the call itself. It seems too “behaviorist” (behavioral change sees as an individual decision, rather than a collective one); the scope is very broad; and it seems “almost like a call for tenders”. Specifically, there is a worrying sentence in there:

    Specific topics for case studies should be co-decided with the European Commission services involved in implementing the European Green Deal.

    What is that supposed to mean? Are you not meant to choose your case studies yourself? I would love @martin’s opinion on this.

  • Pay attention to MORRI indicators. However, we do have a partner here.


  • Alberto to reach out and broaden potential partners. This includes the Long-Termism Deep Demo internal channels: U Turku could even be a consortium leader.
  • We participate to the EU Green Deal Call networking event organized by C-KIC for Monday (calendar event). @marina, @IvanC and me will be there. @amelia, it overlaps partially with the ethno meeting, does it make sense for you to reschedule the latter and attend?
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