Call for motivated cooks: propose your recipe and cook it @ LOTE!

90-100 people each plate sound good

I like Alex solution! And indeed in case there will be leftovers I’m pretty sure it won’t be wasted (at 4am ot the day after :))

On Monday I’m going to check personally all the kitchen equipment needed and will do an inventory so we fill all the missing gaps.

Time to cook & joined forces


I adapted my recipee, which was easy, because it was apparently rather calculated for 100 people than 120. :wink:

(Testcooked it again for my team this week and that’s what I learned!)

ireinga, would it be possible to cook rather early on thursday, maybe around lunchtime? Will there be some help from about 3 people?

And I wanted to add some bread to the ingredients list, but seriously can’t come up with a kg-estimation. Maybe 150 g per person?

Indeed, bread is needed

I’ll confirm the early Thursday cooking club (would be nice to already eat there together as a start :D). I hope tomorrow I will get an answer from the venue contact person. As a general reference it should be good.

Which kind of bread do we need? Something like this? I know where to get it cheap.

“how many people?”

Another question:

The column “how many people” is referring to how many people I need for the cooking party, right?

Because the amount of mouths to feed is in the column with the ingredients, already.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Nope it’s how many mounths

We’re feeding on that dinner/lunch. In our participant list we have 150 people and we’re having an hard time estimating how many will finally show up for each day. We guessed that on the weekend there will be more people…

This would have been my question as well

And another general question: Does the whole food team help with cooking the meals or is only the person who came up with each dish responsible for cooking it?

Co-cooking is the idea

Each of you will lead his/her recipe but of course there will be people around to help with the chopping and so on. If you have some time I added one column with n° of helping hands, just to estimate how many people you would like to have around to help in the process.

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Hi all,

I can’t be around on the Wednesday evening to help with hopping or set up, but i’ll be arriving into Brussels about 7am on Thursday so i have the whole day to do anything that is needed.

So i can either come straight to the venue and start food prep, or go to the shops with a local person, or whatever else is of use. I’m keen to come and meet people and get stuck in straight away so that i don’t get social anxiety and be shy.

Let me know what the plan for Thursday day time is.


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Thursday 2PM at the venue?

I’m gonna confirm this with all of you asap. Checking with the people from the venue.

Questions, questions, so many questions

Hello everybody, hello @ireinga,

I would like to join the grocery shopping on wednesday (at what time did you plan to do this) and I’m in for the meeting at 2 pm Thursday at the venue. I’ve got quite some questions about the general organisation though:

  • Will there be a budget for the groceries?

  • Are we gonna cook at the location on Thursday?

  • Do I need to calculate for 100 people?

Thanks in advance,

can’t wait !

Almost replies!

  • On Wedn we’re going for groceries and of course we have a budget for them. I already tried to compute your ingredients per person here (see ingredients) and came up with a price per person.

  • We’re gonna cook at the location on Thursday. Probably we will anticipate the meeting point at 12pm but I’m gonna post final schedule by Tuesday.

  • 100 people indeed, check my computation :wink:

Food plans!

Hello everyone,

Before I forget here is the clumsy master plan for cooking/grocery:

TOMORROW 24/02: we’re going to Colruyt Anderlecht to collect the grocery (online shopping yahoo) and buy some extra forgotten items. We’re already 3 people in the car plus groceries so I think that one more person is max. @Matteo let us know if you’re still up (0032486244096 Irene).

THURSDAY 25/02: cooking big time starting at midday in SMartBE. Again my phone number is your key to the kitchen or just ask at the desk for Lieza Dessein.

Now: Anna I still haven’t found the tagines but haven’t looked for them as much (on top of asking people from the venue). Girls from the Croque Monsieur cannot switch the day so you’re back on the Friday plan.

write me on or call me for more coordination on that bit.

Yes we cook!

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Dear Food Team

I don’t know how to start to thank you. On top of saving me from hyper tension so many times you were by far the best food artisans in the 4 days event. I wish I could have actually spent more time with you and apologize for the messy ingredients computation/grocery, you managed very well to turn the curly persil and 12kg of red onions into mervellous lunch.

Shall we think of another ER spinoff: FoodOnTheEdge?

Who’s in?

Wish you all a continuation of the good vibes

Hugs from Bruxhell!


Thanks for your hard work

Hi Irene,

I don’t know about everyone else, but i had a great time down in the kitchen. It was great to have so many people around bringing their hard work and ideas together. I started having conversations with people about how we could bringing the food preparation part and the conference part together in the future, so if you wanted to find a way of developing a FoodOnTheEdge strand i’d be really interested in having that conversation with you.

Boring England seems even more boring than before now i’m back, so huge thanks to team Brussels for a great time.
