Connect! - Introduce yourself and your project

Welcome @MelaninInk. Thanks to the pandemic, rather suddenly home schooling has moved into the mainstream. Multicultural HomeSchools - great idea. I hope you find your time here worthwhile!

Welcome @NdidiWrites - we certainly share your concerns and I hope that you find your time with us worthwhile. Would love to hear more about your experiences and ideas for Black Muslim Americans. If we don’t collectively fix the widening economic disparities and the racism that drives so much of it, there won’t be any real progress on much of anything else, it seems to me. The time to finally deal with all of this is now.

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Still looking to find groups of scientists or others to organize their perspectives into a meaningful whole on Concordis. I’m excited to work with any group which feels like the mass media are not accurately representing the consensus of their community. Sharing findings will be done organically through social media. I’d be very interested! Thank you


Tell us about yourself:
I’m an entrepreneur, traveller, and investor.

Tell us about your project:
I’m currently researching on ways to improve our collective sense making with AI and decentralization.

Overweb Concept Category
Overweb Sensemaking Concept


Tell us about yourself:
My name’s Ethan. I’ve been interested in the future of code and the web since I learned about Bret Victor back in 2017. I’ve made some connections on Twitter and Discord with those in the movement today, and I’ve since become interested in PKM, development, decentralized Internet, and related subjects.

Tell us about your project:
I want to help bring the UX of high-quality games to bear on how we learn with computers, synthesizing games, PKM, code, music, and art.

Overweb Concept Category
Overweb Sensemaking Concept

Welcome, @abhi,

Edgeryders organised a big conference on the topic of AI and (in)justice with experts from academia to the previous Italian minister of economy and finance (Fabrizio Barca) and many people in the community are quite interested and active in this area. This post could give you a nice overview of some of the conversation in this thread: Summaries of 10 stories on topics relevant to AI & Justice workshop

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Welcome @Plantey!

If you are interested in decentralised Internet, this is a good read/ discussion to join: Decentralized risks: Hosting information for others comes at a cost to help solve the problem of risk for decentralised information hosts.

From the project goals you are interested in, I would recommend you to connect with your fellow participant @thebeautyway who introduced themselves also in this thread.

I’m late to the party, but interested in the results and follow-up.
On the challenge website it says “The Overweb Challenge concluded on January 22nd with the closing session in which participants did elevator pitches about their Overweb concepts.”

Are these videos the pitches, or are the contents of those pitches available somewhere else?

Welcome @iouxo!
@daveed could you provide some updates on the followzps and next steps.after the overweb event?

Hi @iouxo

The pitches are on the bottom of the page (labeled "Clubhouse Integration and Closing Session):

Direct links to these are:

Thanks to all that showed up for the Overweb Challenge and especially Edgeryders for hosting this Forum!

What’s Next

  • We are having conversations about the Overweb on Wednesdays at 12-1p PST/9-10p EST. If you would like to co-host, please let me know.
  • If you need help getting access to Clubhouse, join at and send a WhatsApp message with your email to +1 510 285 7075.
  • We growing the community on a Discord for the Overweb. Join at: The Overweb