Digital Humanities - German Funding Opportunity


there is a really interesting funding opportunity in Germany for digital humanities.

I myself would have strong arguments and cutting-edge ideas to present and to contribute to such a project proposal. But I am not affiliated with any University, research institute, or museum, which are basically all eligible to apply for funding.

In case someone here is a member of any of those organizations, and willing to evolve their humanities department, I would be happy to exchange some thoughts and ideas to raise the bar for digital humanities through some thought-provoking and mind-blowing ideas related to Transmedia Futures Studies and Transdisciplinary Transformation.

Maybe @matthias or @noemi you know some departments, institutes, or museums who could like such a challenge.

Merci! :relaxed:

Förderung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben zur theoretischen, methodischen und technischen Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften

digitale Geisteswissenschaften

Antragsberechtigt sind Hochschulen, außeruniversitäre Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen, Akademien, Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen und andere, nicht gewerbliche Institutionen, die Forschungsbeiträge liefern können und Zuwendungszweck und -voraussetzungen erfüllen.


Thanks for sharing it, since this is clearly a research project - theoretical interdisciplinary research in fact - I think @marina and @alberto should look into it.

Is this only for German applicants? Applications may be submitted by universities, non-university research and development institutions, academies, libraries, archives, museums and other non-commercial institutions that can provide research contributions and meet the purpose and conditions of the grant.
Cooperation with foreign partners is desirable, but they can not receive their own attention.

Otherwise, some interesting points -

So far, mostly texts were the subject of research projects of the digital humanities. This directive seeks to strengthen the potential of digitization for whole groups of neighboring subjects and to face new challenges beyond the classical sources. Therefore, non-text focused and multimodal objects of investigation (image, film, sound, etc., as well as combinations thereof) are at the center of this guideline, as well as subjects of investigation which, apart from the concrete proposed research question, open up opportunities for further disciplines

Funding is provided for innovative, interdisciplinary research projects that further develop the digital humanities in theoretical, methodological and technical terms. The following approaches are conceivable, among others:

* Modeling, formalizing and operationalizing humanities theories as a prerequisite for research in the field of digital humanities,
* digital representation, category entanglement and processing of in particular multimodal sources for their use in answering questions,
* machine learning, simulations, neural networks, etc. as an extension of the classical-humanistic method repertoire,
* Investigation and comparison of automation potentials and limits in humanities knowledge gain.

A few weeks ago we had an interdisciplinary blue sky exploration - Digital ethnography skunkworks with different academic and policy partners we have been working across our research projects. It was a good way to think about how our methodology for digital ethnography can make room for new science.


Hello @CTTF, welcome. This is indeed a crucial question. The Edgeryders research network is in principle happy to serve as a “home institution” for independent scholars (like @martin, for example), but we are incorporated in Estonia, and might not be eligible.

We might be of limited usefulness for you in terms of intellectual exchange. I, for one, am not sure I even understand some of these concepts. Is SSNA “digital representation”? What is “category entanglement”? @hugi, do you understand these concepts?

Hello - the outline does not explain explicit whether the funding is for German applicants (= legal entity in Germany) only (to study: reference to legal basis). However, it is likely because the text says that fuding for non-German partners is not posisble and (more subtle) applicants are asked to detail why their funding through EU programmes is not possible [*]… The fact that edgeryders is an Estonia-based international platform for individuals located in other / any country seems unlikely to influence the assessment of German / non-German entity. I have no insight into how a ‘German registration’ (what ever that may be / when done in Germany) could modulate the situation. Sorry for being of little help, Martin

[*] Antragstellende sollen sich – auch im eigenen Interesse – im Umfeld des national beabsichtigten Projekts mit dem EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation vertraut machen. Sie sollen prüfen, ob das beabsichtigte Vorhaben spezifische europäische Komponenten aufweist und damit eine ausschließliche EU-Förderung möglich ist. Weiterhin ist zu prüfen, inwieweit im Umfeld des national beabsichtigten Vorhabens ergänzend ein Förderantrag bei der EU gestellt werden kann. Das Ergebnis der Prüfungen soll in der Projektskizze kurz dargestellt werden.

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