Do you want to join our Covid19 Community Response? A breakdown of Edgeryders activities, roles, tasks and workflows

Ping @Richard @jasen_lakic and @Jirka_Kocian: do you see a topic which you might want to help with?
I’m happy to set up a call for contributions and a community call for next week to freely explore more with some people in the Wellbeing community.
One of interest could be around the Work and Labour - we could start with a mini survey asking where people get their safety nets these days? Things like savings or all the way going into forced/technical unemployment or however different governments call it…
And then if they are freelancing we could generate and collect maybe a set of creative solutions for coping.


Hi, great initiative!

My answers to the questions and what I could do in the upcoming days/weeks:

From nr. 1: I’m most interested in:
Work/labour (especially freelancers in cultural sector across Europe)
Acts of Kindness and Solidarity
Mental Health
Digital communication

From nr. 3: I can help/work on:
being the synthesist and community engager


hi @luddilo and welcome :slight_smile:

Am I understanding correctly that what you mean by the content work you need help with is identifying/articulating FAQs to Swedish institutions…then matching the right answers to them based information available on official sources?

Hi @sirine_bouslama @imake @amiraGbs @Meds.jedidi1 @Wajdibr - perhaps this is something you might want to check out?

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I am good with topic 1…or 2 or any of them really. Just to be clear, our goal here is to get conversation going that is worthwhile for our ethnographic work and fulfillment of the H2020 contracts. But the call for fulfilling these roles, this is an internal call. Unless someone from outside wants to volunteer from outside I suppose. I’m just trying to get my head around all the structure being posted here…

Another thought that came to me earlier is, can we send a message to every user of the platform? Many have the platform messages forwarded to their own email, so they don’t have to log in to ER to see it. I think if we asked our ER friends and colleagues to go one of those topics to say what is going on from their perspective, a lot of them would do it. Although it is a big group mailing, I don’t see it as spam. More like we are asking our friends to do us a favor. So many people have come and gone via the LOTE events and Open Village, etc. who don’t really spend time on the site much now, but are surely doing things of interest. Maybe we could bring them back for a bit…?


Hello @luddilo, welcome! This looks like good work, and @hugi has made an intriguing case for why it is needed. I personally cannot think of any meaningful way to help you, but would be interested in knowing how it works out.

A word on the case made by Hugi and mentioned above:

This looks a bit like correlation-not-causation. High education helps people navigate situations in more way than access to English media. For example, as @MariaEuler and others pointed out, some people struggle to navigate statistical statements, and as a result they are uncertain as to how serious the situation is, and what they should do. I know one woman who oscillates between “I’m just going to ignore this nonsense” and “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!”. In Bayesian terms, she updates too hard: whatever she hears last is the ONLY truth, to be extrapolated to the ONLY state of the world.

That said, a chatbot in Swedish must be a good thing to have. @piersoft made this interactive map, which went viral and is now being used by many, many Italian media outlets. People clearly need communication.

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As an example of how that could look, have a look at the #WirVsVirus hackathon for pandemic relief, organized by various German digital society organizations in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office of German government. It’s happening this Friday. Their website also has a list of results from similar hackathons that have been held in Estonia and Poland over the last days. I wrote some more about it here:


@hugi @luddilo kolla :point_up_2:

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Do you think this thing might be useful for structuring that line of acitvities? @matthias @hugi

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Yes, I definitely want this!

I think you might know the dev, no? Also interesting project the food thing

And @kristofer who posted about it on Discourse is on Edgeryders. I’m guessing @zaunders may be involved too.

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tiny worlds :slight_smile:

ping @amiraGbs you should follow this thread as it has implications for how we structure OCI Lab calls for participation, tasks, and the process in general moving forward.

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Looks quite interesting for sure. How would you divide up the topics in a scheme like that?

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That’s right, me and @zaunders and a bunch of others are doing the food thing – right now focused a lot on, a project with the goal to facilitate the emergence of more cooperatively run local food hubs and buyers clubs.

And for the “Trello for Discourse” thing, I developed a stable prototype you might say. I called it Lanes. I thought I closed the server but it seems to be running still, here is an example board:

Which represents a kanban representation of this discourse category:

The thing is – just about the same time as I released the Lanes prototype, a Discourse theme component with similar functionality was launched.

Kanban Board - theme-component - Discourse Meta

The main advantage with the theme component is tighter integration with Discourse and as that seemed to be the killer feature people was looking for, I paused my development of Lanes.

The above category presented using the theme component looks like this:

Long story, sorry. My Lanes thing is not ready for prime time, the project has been put on hold. But could in theory be revived if needed to save humanity from killer virus madness.


Thanks All!
Very good initiative. I will go through the questions (later today). I am engaged locally through the local Red Cross Association that I lead. I add a link to a community activity (phone line & Email for citizens) that is set up together with the town. Issue to tackle: many (elder) are ‘digital naives’. So we need mixed structures. Further issue, english is not a work tool, hence we need translators to access international information streams. - regards, Martin

Hallo Martin, @Richard @MariaEuler and our new colleague who will soon join the German community manager crew are all Germanophone. I am sure we can find creative ways to make the space accessible and inclusive - just let us know.

Hello @nadia

(1) I will try to write up some local experiences about linking ‘digital natives’ and ‘digital naives’ what seems to be an issue that I have to tackle here (interface of two worlds). When we pulled together people for stuffing a phone-based advice service, most (many elderly volunteers) gave their local fixed-line as contact data, some gave E-mail.

(2) I suggest that edgeryders reaches out to my daughter who is working and practicing in network analyses and knowledge management (Galway, Ireland). She knows about me and edgeryder and Alberto had an exchange with her. Currently she is at home (with her kids). I guess that teaming up with edgeryders of related skills will be simple.

Now I turn to nourish my local & remote communities
best regards, Martin


In answer to the first post:

on 1.

I will try to stewart the “acts of kindness topic” and also work a lot with these topics:

on 2.

  • Will set up one or more community video chat
  • Am involved with developing Crowdbuilding Solutions: E.g Building a MOOC on distributed/remote collaboration
  • Will try to Source Stories for meaningful conversations but do not have the proven high-quality contacts some of the other team members my have here.

on 3:

as community manager I see my job as including:

  • Question Asker: Defines the topic/subject of the call for projects// helps Project Leaders, Mentors and Contributors to develop their stories //asks people to elaborate more and based on this// produce concise descriptions of topic they are addressing, project & why it’s important incl context and a bit about the person// as well as to better elaborate/define what they want to achieve and why/what it says about their view of future of internet/digital)
  • Synthesist: Read threads and write concise descriptions for each project, bios/short intros for each PLS, Mentors, PCs/ As well as specification of what they are looking for / task description/ Skeleton call for contributors
  • Storycrafter: You work with others to produce engaging description of what we are doing + call for PLS, Mentors and PLs/ Produce succint descriptions of tasks to make clear to general public (and make it easier for people to find “their people” and know around what to engage with them), Craft engaging feature articles + text for flyers featuring each person/ Produce status updates to draw conversions on social media/ Write email for engaging Problem Owners (potential adopters or financers of solutions)
  • Community Engager : Do research in platform archive for “best of stories and or comments” around the set themes// Reach out and re-engage the people who posted best stories and or comments with question of how they are and how/if things are different now.

I am now working on an overview post linking the ongoing conversation of this week for the NGI space.
My next step after that will be to post directly in online groups for teachers to ask them to share their stories here with us with the motivation of having a tech-oriented community who might be up to come up with some helpful solutions for them. I think teachers would be good problems owners to try to connect to right now.
After that I will try to set up a community fireside call, however, I am not sure yet if I should try to tie it to a person/expert or a topic as the lead.

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