Edgeryders test customers for Jitsi servers

You could try BigBlueButton - I was in a call with 10 ppl last Saturday that worked quite well. It’s meant to be for online classes so probably works for even more people, with some caveats for distance etc.

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Here is the discourse plugin: GitHub - discourse/discourse-jwt: Discourse Auth support for JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

With that and a shared secret Meet can auth users from dicourse.

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Worried this could be getting more complicated than necessary…

I suggest we test it with an already running instance (maybe the one that @notme mentioned (thanks :slight_smile: ) and see if there are any real advantages to using it over what we have.

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Not sure if the bandwidth will last on the current one, if you want to test for a month?

For a full month of testing I can build a server for you. I can handle everything if you cover the cost (50€ for dual core). We can also try the JWT auth, as it only requires config on my end… If you can get JWT token auth to work on your side.

What would be a good date for the free one day test? I’ll invite others too so we can stress test the server. We can combine testing capacity if the time is suitable for all.

I think @hugi will coordinate the test day since he proposed the migration to Jitsi.

Would we have to install the discouse-jwt plugin already for the test or not? It would be kinda ok to do so, but the less work to see a demo of Jitsi with 20 people, the better. After a successful demo, we’ll be happy to invest some time into integration of course.

@MariaEuler, @nadia, @noemi
Do we have any community calls in the coming week that we could try this on? It would be interesting to get some people to do the first half of the call on @owen’s setup and then try Jitsi, so we can compare.

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How many people would you need to make it a vaiable test?

I think 20 would be great, but I think we could pull some more people in for just testing if they can just join the call an keep working like normal, no?

Was thinking asking the people from the open source call tomorrow evening to test it out. Could be a programm point there in itself. however, we would need to try to get some more people in there.

@notme, could it be ready to test tomorrow evening?

If you are speaking about jitsi (that is how I understood Maria in another thread), be aware that besides some server configuration, a single non-chromium-browser-user can potentially ruin the experience (also, for everybody else!) at the moment. I dont want to go into details here.
Point is: if you want to have a pleasant experience and rule out some weirdness, have your users use chromium (not safari, not edge, not firefox, not opera). Its a tough hit, because Firefox is kind of the only contender left in the browser-market; the jitsi-Team is working on it - but compatibility will not arrive tomorrow - I guess it will take weeks or months.
Chrome of course would work as well (Chromium is Google Chrome minus some of the tell-google-exactly-what-i-do-functionality).


Thank you for that insight :slight_smile:

We should also test that info about FF. Easy enough. :slight_smile:

The server will be ready for testing 14:00 today. Other groups are also testing at the same time and I’ll be monitoring stats.

meet.complete.fi/crowdtesting is the common test room. Feel free to create /anyroom you like.

I’ll probably remove the server in the evening. There is a chance for another test on Friday. Let me know when you are testing and with how may people so I can inform everyone how that effects performance. (I’ll join your room if you like)

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We can test JWT later.

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We had a test group of 6 people. About 1.5GB data was transferred over about 1h. The bandwidth hovered around 10mb for the 5-6 users during this time. Everything worked surprisingly well during the test. Would be fun to see how far we can scale this. I suspect it will be much more trouble for individual users after the bandwidth goes above 10mb.

I’ll destroy the server this evening. I can set it up on Friday again if you like. Or you can suggest a better time for a test day. I missed your earlier timing question.

If you want to test JWT, let me know before I do setup, as I need to prep the configuration.

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You can configure the preferred and max resolution that the videobridge will relay and thus influence the bandwidth (and clients CPU) used.

The FF issues are real. There is kind of a meta-issue at github: 100% support for Firefox (and other non-Chrome browsers) · Issue #4758 · jitsi/jitsi-meet · GitHub (but there are many more). Testing is difficult because not necessarily reproducible. Also, fixes are not trivial, but sure enough will come.

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By “non-chromium-browser”, do you mean actual Chromium, or any browser based on Chromium?

Asking because I thought both Edge and Opera were Chromium-based; and so it’s Brave, which I use as an alternative to Firefox sometimes and was thinking of using it for Jitsi Meet, so shall I assume it would have issues?

I meant Chromium-based. Jitsi makes big progress on improving the situation though. It should already work smoother and more stable with Firefox in latest versions. As far as I understand, to optimally use some features of WebRTC/simulcast/EEC (?) Firefox itself needs to be fixed though. There is the mega-issue on the github for the technically interested.