In my own humble understanding, all our lives are preparations for this exact moment, “now”. Every decision, every interaction, every learning, every feeling, every thought, every experience… Nothing random, all pieces of a big puzzle we are unconsciously assembling little by little. Sometimes we might be fortunate enough to take a glimpse at the whole picture and understand our mission. Sometimes we might take our lives in our hands and go into action. But most of the times, we just sit comfortably in the couch of ignorance, fear, greed, and let others design and run our lives. The problem is, or say the biggest problem is, the design has been poorly made. Layers and layers of bad design.
Most of you have probably noticed. Old beliefs and ways are reaching their limits. Old structures are collapsing and new ones are emerging. A strong wind of change is blowing. People are too sick and too tired. People urgently need a change. The good news is; a lot of us are already doing some amazing things out there. More and more people are getting together to create, propose, help, change. The bad news is; there is one detail that most people tend to forget about; design! Change can and should be designed better.
Why don’t we make better designed venues to connect all the actors of change? Why don’t we create spaces in our cities, towns and villages where people get together and expose their ideas, encourage each other, work with each other? Why don’t we create libraries, new kinds of libraries where knowledge and research are promoted in more welcoming spaces? Why not create websites, locally focused, to list and connect all community, education, sustainability and other kinds of projects that are focused on change? The websites would be run and fed by the communities themselves with news, stories, practical information, researches, proposals… A big community database of action, ideas, and knowledge. People are willing to share all kinds of amazing things. They just need a structured and well designed space to do so.
By creating these venues, we will invite the holders of ideas, dreams, projects resources, and visions to connect and we will make information easier to access. People will learn from each other, encourage one another, let the others know they are not alone. Bolder things will happen, more ideas will sprout and grow into actions, and what were supposed to be different projects, may be worked on as one.
A very good friend just told me: “a carpet is made out of threads and knots. The actions are these threads and knots. What makes the difference between a beautiful and an ugly carpet is the intention behind our actions, or say, the threads and knots”. This piece is yet another carpet, please help me add more threads and knots and make it as beautiful as humanly possible.