Get-to-know-each-other workshop 5 November

Hello @reeflings,

So far there are 9 households who registered for the workshop. Two have flagged they still intend to fill it in and I’m also counting on 2 households from the “fast track recruitment”. Three more households are attending a private presentation with Alberto tomorrow. I also sent out a reminder to the households who haven’t responded yet, just in case.

If you would want to have a look, the file is saved in the folder of Team Recruitment and Onboarding (internal link). I will try to update it every day.

Can you please let me know if you are not planning to be there? This will help us with the logistics. Thanks!

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I have a thing from 12 to 3pm that day… is it possible to come and join towards the end of the day?

I get an error:


Actually, I get the same error with any of the OnlyOffice files. @reef-it, I opened a ticket with Tab.Digital!

When I try and open the document, I get a message saying that ‘The document security token is not correctly formed’… which seems to stop it being accessible

Sorry… didn’t notice that Alberto had posted the same thing :-/

This is now fixed.

Hi @Lee ,

Not sure Manuel mentioned that (i believe we did last time we saw each other face to face), but we are traveling now (in different countries) and will be back to Brussels only on 6 November, so unfortunately won’t be able to attend the “Get to know each other” workshop on Saturday, 5 November. Sorry about that, would have loved to be there.

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We are planning to start at 10 and end at 4, so maybe, depending on where we’ll be and where you need to go it will make more sense to join us at the beginning?

A pity indeed! Thanks for letting us know though!

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Update on the number of participants:

  • There are now 16 households who registered through the form. To this we need to add 2 fast track recruitment households (I asked them to register), a friend of Ralf’s and possibly two more households that attended the catch-up session with Alberto yesterday. So in total that would make 19 (+2?) Exploring households. Yay!
  • Among these 16 households plus the two fast track recruitment ones I count 10 couples or families (lots of children too!), so that makes for more individuals than I can count :upside_down_face:
  • For the workshop I count 20 registered adults plus a toddler. For the Reeflings I would count 13 adults minus 3 (Sarah, Ugne and Manuel). The unknowns are the two fast track recruitment households, Ralf’s friend and the two households that attended the catch-up session with Alberto. So again, I’m not good with numbers, but I would think we’ll be a bit over 30 people.

Heya everyone,

thanks for the errr… counting and all the plenty of background work, @Lee! 30 people all together is a lot! YAY!

@Pieter has found a cheap location, so we’re safe there too. My call to all of us who are attending - could you bring something to eat? From what I read in Lie’s registration table, most of people who are coming are either vegetarian or vegan.

Who could bring something? Thanks for any contributions!

I’ll be there on Saturday around 9am, so whoever could support me in setting up the place, please let us know too. that’s going to be quite something! Let’s make this a great day to be together and to expand the Reef!

big hugs into the round


Hi @RalfWetzel!
I could bring a (vegetarian) quiche.
Could you let us know where that location is?

I’ll be there for the morning session, leave at lunchtime, and then back at the end to see if anyone wants to grab a drink afterwards.

@RalfWetzel - I can bring a veggie lasagne, if there’s somewhere to heat it up. If not, I’ll think of something else. Having said that, if the idea is to put lunch on for 30 people, then we’re going to need to be a lot more organised in terms of who is bringing what and in what quantities… salads, bread, drinks, etc.

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Hi all!
I’ve freed my day up! All these messages were just to exciting, I just couldn’t not be a part of it!
Also happy to bring something although not sure what yet…

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@RalfWetzel I agree with Chris. My concern is that there won’t be enough food and drinks, so I would propose that one or two people take it on them to go shopping and buy lunch and drinks for what now looks like at least 35 people.

@reeflings: is there anybody who would be willing to do this? It could be as simple as baguette, cheese, humus, lettuce and tomato, plus coffee, tea and biscuits. With a contribution of 5 euro per person, the budget would be around 100 euro (because we also need to pay for the room).

Yes, I agree. We need 1-2 people who could take charge of food and drinks for Saturday. Who could jump in?

I have kept free… but tested positive for COVID on Friday. Hopefully I will be out of the woodwork by Saturday, but I cannot be sure. :roll_eyes:

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Knowing where the place is could be a big help. It’s going to be hard for me to bring food (even if only bread, cheese, etc.) for more than 30 peoples on my bike. But if there’s a shop nearby, then it’s always possible to go and buy everything at some point during the morning. Even if it means that 2 or 3 of us miss a little bit of an activity.

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Folks, @Pieter has thankfully found a room in the community center in Vorst. adress is GC Ten Weyngaert, Bondgenotenstraat 54. So the location is fixed.
best wishes,


Ok guys, it’s great to see everything come together.

Here’s the summary:


GC Ten Weyngaert, Bondgenotenstraat 54 in Forest.


People will arrive at 9:45. Ralf and I will be there at 9:00 at the latest.

Would be lovely if most people could be there a bit before 9:45.


Mostly like last time. This time Ralf will be the Master of Ceremony.

Food and drinks:
  • What do we need?: lunch, drinks and coffee / tea for 30 people (see this document, column Q for dietary requirements)
  • What is the budget?: maximum 150 euro
  • @reeflings: Would somebody please be willing to take the lead on this? This means making up the shopping list and coordinate the people who will do the shopping.
  • Practically:
    • There is a Lidl and a Delhaize virtually across the road. There are also plenty of small shops with good fruits and vegetables.
    • I can bring my two-wheeled shopping cart if that can be of help
    • I’ll bring the beers from the presentation (which I propose we sell for 1.5 euro)
    • @Pieter: do you have the leftovers of the juice?