Get-to-know-each-other workshop 5 November

Minus me also. I will not be in Belgium.
I wish you a great day of discovery !

Rue des Alliés. It’s one block from me.

The beers are here. I believe not the juice, though.

Hello dear Reeflings,

Hospitality is one of our core values, so this is now becoming a bit of an emergency.

It’s all a bit last minute because of late registrations, the long weekend and difficulty finding a room, but I’m sure that we can collaborate to get this done.

I have created a list of everything that I think we need on Nextcloud (internal link).
@Pieter, @Sophie_Beese, @Mas, @Sarah, @Celine_D and @ThomasMaertens: could you please have a look at the list and see what you could put in your backpack? If everybody brings just a couple of things, we’re going to be fine.

Thanks so much!

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So the list looks pretty much complete. Sarah and I can bring what hadn’t already been covered re bowls, cutlery, tea towels etc. I think there’s just a few more cups needed…

If I’ve understood correctly, Alberto is going to shop at some point for the actual food.
@Alberto - when are you planning on doing that, and do you need a hand?

Don’t worry about the cups. I have more than enough, for warm and cold drinks.

Food is bought and sitting in my hallway. I’ll need help to carry everything to the venue.

Here’s a bit of follow-up and a debriefing (for those who couldn’t be there and for Team Finance)

1. About the day

Eventually we had 12 guests (6 didn’t couldn’t show up because of illness). We were 8 Reeflings to welcome them.

We followed the same programme as in June, except this time with Ralf as the Master of Ceremony. I had the feeling people really appreciated it. One person said “it’s hard to do something like this without being childish, and you are succeeding very well at it”.

Anybody else want to share some impressions?

2. Financial

Money collected
  • We collected 139 euro (131 cash + 8 wire transfer from Lena). There were 12 guests and 8 “old” Reeflings.
  • I had counted on a small contribution from the old Reeflings, but I didn’t manage to clearly communicate this.
  • I had calculated the money that we would need without the extra shopping done in the morning (no reproach!) and without considering that 6 people wouldn’t show up.
  • The venue cost 60 euro and Alberto and I spent 120 euro.
  • @sophie and @Chris (?): can you please let us know how much money you spent?
Finalising this thing

@reef-finance: would you be willing to take this over?

I also added a task on the to do list (no 68), with a question of whether somebody would be willing to take responsibility for our money box with cash.

3. Input received

During the “Walking Café” we collected a lot of feedback on people’s motivations, hopes and concerns. About the concerns topic we said that we were going to bring it up at one of the next plenary meetings, which I put on the list.

@RalfWetzel, I think you took pictures of the flip charts. If so, could you please save them in our Team Recruitment & Onboarding folder? This is the internal link. Thanks!


pics uploaded and buddies contacted! yea!


Agreed with all of the above. And I think there was a sense of ease straight away, and everybody was feeling quite comfortable.

For pics, I think it would be super nice to have pics from events like that to look back to at our house warming :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
At some points I think Matteo was doing that… Shall we look for a new official photographer?