GTF Berlin 04 - Alexander [EN]

Okay. What do you think circular economy should work with regard to car production in general and electronic components in a car in particular? What do you think?

I would say they do it really bad at the moment because if something goes a little bit south, you know, you have to change completely new part. You have to buy new parts and in before I mean like few years ago, the mechanics would then basically kind of try to tweak the the item to repurpose it again to work or at least to work with the less of power, something which I think is much better for environment then actually in some cases it’s nice to do compromises and to say, okay, now I don’t need I don’t use that full percent, you know, 100% and then like I’m totally fine that it’s like 90% working because I had to repair it or something instead of buying new item new and like the whole shipping topic, all this things that come with it. And then also this kind of encapsulation of consumer that has to buy only from one provider is just I don’t think it has like overall good for the environment. And also in this whole topic of reusability recirculation of items. Yeah it’s it’s not great.

Thank you very much. Thank you.
