GTF Berlin 15 - Gregor [EN]

The individual to forget. We make sure things happen sustainably so that the individual doesn’t have to think about it all day. That’s that’s our goal. That’s our aim because that’s that’s what we think is the easier solution than trying to indoctrinate people to actually do certain things. That’s that’s all we try because we think this is the most promising strategy. Just make sure the infrastructures are sustainable, that the machines that we use are sustainable, that the fuels are sustainable, that the way, uh, cities work is sustainable. That’s what we think will will help. People will always travel. People will always like their individual mode of transport. So we have to do is we have to render this individual mode of transport environmentally friendly. And there you go. You can’t forbid cars, but we can make cars better. That’s our idea. So that you and me don’t have to think about the environment every day because that also can turn very sour.

Just a moment. This was the old one.
