"Having" a job ? No thanks

one size fits all? Not likely.

You know, everyone manages their lifestyles differently. I´ve lived in three countries in 5 years. That is a lot of moving around and it has implications for me. But it has been a choice I´ve made. And moving costs in time, effort and resources. Who knows whether reservations about the pets and kids stuff is more tied to the moving around than the actual work situation. I don´t do those stunts anymore, it was during a period while I was studying and my life now is alot healthier I think. You know Lucyanna  perhaps I am more obsessive about what I do? Perhaps others are more efficient in how they allocate their time? Perhaps the opportunities are ones you make? Judging from my actions, balance is not really for me :slight_smile:

I really admire your choices…

and I understand career options are actually about choosing a lifestyle, and not a job. As you said “one size doesn’t fit all”. I guess these are choices each invidividual needs to decide upon. There might be no receipts. I think one can share experience, but it’s up to every individual to make his own decisions. From this point of view, we can’t compare people.

Thank you for helping me .

I think your lifestyle is really not boring and very diverse, which is great, actually.

At my job the aliens keep popping back in and threatening to fire me any time I try to use workarounds for their stupid and irrational rules.

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Robotic fly

Ha ha! I’d like to send a robotic fly to check, see it live. Preferably pink. (I haven’t found any that suits my style.)


Hi Nadia

thank you for the clarification…but the only thing I misinterpreted about your story is the location  (my fault!) even if I still think that Sweeden as other Northern Countries, for what I know about it) offers better opportunities than other countries.

Concerning the other topic I definitely agree with you that luck is not necessary random (often it’s not!) but it is still luck: being the right person, in the right place in the wrong moment (or any other different combination where one of the three is not right) wouldn’t have the same result.

Last point: you underlined you have a temporary contract …why do you call it not having a job? Again it’s a matter of background and situation: you are not saying “I moved to the countryside and I am planting tomates” (and even this is a job, at least for me!).

just a question: why did you underline “really trying to understand them”?

However I agree with you about what you wrote in the second part of the post, I don’t find it weird at all; better it seems to me pretty normal.

If there are rules and they are stupid you question them, I would add : if there are rules and they are wrong I disobey! “l’obbedienza non è più una virtù” (obeying is not a virtue anymore) used to say Don Milani…but you cant step back to Antigone.

