Hello from Egypt

sorry for the delay I had some problems with my internet connection

for the article expected this evening I just need to make a skype conversation with someone who had a homeschooling experience in Egypt

and for the community builder [Ahmed m rabie] can work with me from Cairo . he is involved in different interesting stuff . he will introduce himself in a comment (still waiting for the verefication email)

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Hi Hazem, great!

Hi all!

This ahmed from cairo, Iā€™ve went through the conversations you guys had before, some really interesting stuff there. we seem to be interested in the same stuff. plus this project seems to be super interesting. as Hazem said, iā€™m involved in Cairo Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences and Megawra as well. and that give me the chance to coordinates many workshops and events that have to do with the development and social change and educational events and initiatives weather in the brainstorming phase or organising the thing or just video documenting events. and that takes me to the things that i am interested in which is mostly documentary filmmaking and storytelling in general. i love to know more about the workshop and topics of the events you guys want to conduct in cairo so that i can help in a more efficient way.

Sorry for the typos and the mistakes, Iā€™m writing on the phone and Iā€™m new to these ā€œsmartā€ devices :slight_smile:

On topics

Hi @Ahmed M Rabie, welcome and thanks for your enthusiasm!

Hereā€™s more about the event in Cairo starting April 25th: https://edgeryders.eu/spot-the-future/spot-the-future-workshop-in-cairo-egypt

In Egypt weā€™re particularly interested in groundbreaking initiatives making it easier for young people to make a living with meaning, getting away from labeling them under the unemployed, the excluded, the poor etc. Another topic of interest is environment and preventing degradation of commons, anything that falls under creative activismā€¦ Makes sense? Follow the links in the event page to learn more.

If youā€™re working on something else entirely weā€™d also be interested to learn about it - just introduce yourself and tell us a story like others are doing in Arrivals.

Weā€™re hosting the event with Ice Cairo, @Muhammad Radwan is on boardā€¦

Looking forward to read you!