topics and forms
Matthias thanks a lot for your welcome.
It’s absolutely clear what are looking for, and you are right, that twitter is not really functional platform in Georgia. We (mostly journalists) use it rarely, and mainly, when we just want to quickly update some information about hot events, like shooting in Kiev. I know just one example when “Partizan gardeners” (it’s more then one month past after they started protests regarding to block hotel building process in the central park of Tbilisi) use it for quickly gather activists together.
Most common social platform in Georgia is Facebook. We have some experience of social change activism using this platform, but examples are not very sophisticated. Activists usually use it for creating some events, sharing some petitions or creating open groups for discussions (starting from losted dog topics, green city movements and ended with important political issues). By the way, FB also quite popular among lecturers:closed groups are common form of communications between students and lecturer.
Say briefly this is what I can do in frames of this online collaboration:
1. Be very attentive and monitor all examples of social change activism in Georgia
2. Find and interview social activist groups ( talk about their strategy, forms and aims ) and upload it for example on youtube
3. Somehow measure the impact and popularity such kind of activism
4. For beggining I can use storyfy for telling this stories and for sharing information
5. edgeryders - itself is god platform ( I’ve just started explore it )
Say honestly, from my point of view, very few people trying to practice social activism in Georgia, most of population has very low level of enthusiasm. For this moment I can share with you two most interesting initiatives I’ve observed
First is Fixmystreet Georgia run by Transparency International Georgia ( Tbilisi-based NGO aiming to promote transparency and accountability.
And second is Team of journalists, programmers and designers are exploring and visualizing data, anyone who has an idea can post it on this site and contribute his/her visual ideas as well.
As I mentioned before mostly I was interested in mix-media projects and there are some interesting and unique ones I can share as well. So thats it for now. Hope I’ve answered your question, if not, I’m here.
P.S. I’ll update my profile and add all info about my social network profiles.