Woop woop we have the dashboard page that we need to clearly communicate what needs doing and how to join the efforts up and running!
Now all we need to do is
Define the general task areas (no more than 7 in total) and set up a block on the Dashboard page for each one. What are your suggestions for the task areas based on last year? I would like to add two ones: Storytelling and documentation as well as Web and tech dev
For each general task area create a group where the work will be broken down into smaller tasks, task-specific community hangout events set up, communications handled etc.
Make sure there are urls in the task and task groups linking them to each other
Once this is done we can look at the detailed Makerfox connection (Tickets are not free, but earned through taking on tasks…once they have completed enough tasks i.e. put in makerfox points in the system they are eligible for a ticker. Tasks fall into three categories: have to be done before, during and after the event).
works for me where there is an existing group we use the group
We should probably have at the top bottom of that page a simple description of how we work are organised. Maybe the three pillars of LOTE community organisation:
How we collaborate around tasks!
Groups on the platform: Participants are in 30+ countries and in different timezones so we have learned to collaborate effectively using groups on the edgeryders platform. They enable us to: share ideas and calls to action through blogposts, collaboratively edit documents, create and assign tasks, as well as create and sign up to events. Without giving our data away to third party commercial services. You will be pointed to the right group when you join a task team above.
Community calls: Every week we touch base, welcome and introduce new community members and event participants, discuss ideas and agree on the work for next week during one hour community video calls. The calls are documented and posted in community fast forwards so people who cannot make it still can stay on top of what is happening, and participate in the conversation through comments. Want to come to the next one? Join here.
The CountOnMe List: you get a daily email with 3 headlines, you share them with your friends and send in your own news in return through a simply email reply. These are picked up by our official social media accounts and become the next day’s network headlines which are again spread by everyone in the list… It’s fast and cheap, and we all know about crucial headlines and deadlines in time! Join here: goo.gl/Q3q2Im
On another note that’s somehow relevant for these collaboration pages: most LOTE4 teams do not utilize an own groups, but those that do (basically @Alberto's hackathon group and @Ben's LOTE4 sessions group) might want to use the Project Tasks pane, a group-specific variant of task manager that I created recently. You can add it via the “Customize this page” button on every panelized minisite page (when adding the content, find the pane under “View panes → View: Task Manager: Project Tasks”).
… where do you think we should use them? In the hackathon case, we try to keep the minisite page very very clean. I could panelize the group page itself, but for now this seems overkill.
Oh, use it as you like, don’t use it if you don’t like to or have no space in your group …
I’m reworking some aspects of the task features now, and the per-project task manager will probably show up by default in the existing “Tasks” tab on the group page, replacing the current flat task list of the so-called “Commons Group Browsing Widget” (implemented as the commons_bw_* views).