Horizon Europe: selected topics in 2021

I’m making an info sheet with the calls of our interest which can be useful to send out to potential partners, like we did with the Green Deal.

I added above several calls from other clusters that I think could be interesting, the missing cluster to revise is Food.

I’m wondering @ivan can we reduce/revise the Climate calls? @matthias when could you share the ones that were interesting to you?

I will be starting soon (today/tomorrow) to send out e-mail invites for the event on May 13th. I would attach to that a pdf with a preliminary list.

In case you need, this is the preliminary list I’m currently sending out.

I can see some potential here, though this is not exactly research. It is highly partcipatory:

The core concept lies in collecting, and then matching, needs of cities and communities with supply of possible solutions from research results, involving adaptation to local needs, testing in real environments (cities/communities as testbeds) and ensuring benefits for all parts of society. […] It will draw on the diversity of the local environments and their needs and concepts for societal transformations and facilitate the sharing of experiences and lessons learned.

So, there is a lot of diversity that needs to be grouped and reconciled, and SSNA is good for that. The “concept” in the concept note could be: we conjecture that people will reach for low-tech and highly social solutions, like planting trees, over high-tech and business driven ones, like self-driving cars.

On the other hand, this is a difficult place to be in because they only fund the one proposal, so you cannot be the heterodox project in a portfolio of five.

it entails funding small experiments (cascading funding with micro grants of 60K).

HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-26: Workforce skills for industry 5.0 (RIA)

This ties in with the Amywhere organisation work. The call explicitly asks for SSH partners:

This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research activities.Social innovation is recommended when the solution is at the socio-technical interface and requires social change, new social practices, social ownership or market uptake.

OTOH, one project with 5 million, and specifics on the TRL (?!?)

HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-07-02: Pandemic preparedness

Long shot, but one of the expected outcomes is:

Health authorities have the evidence-base and tools for better public health measures.

And here it would be so interesting to look at the issue of trust. The concept could be: public trust is a key resource in public health. We look at dynamics of trust building and erosion during COVID, and try to work them in a toolkit. This could easily involve Guy and TANT to look at things like information propagation on social media etc. Marco would also make a great partner.

Three projects to be funded.

This one is for next year, so enough time to think about it. I would create a separate list for calls in 2022.

Discussed this briefly with @markomanka, who is tentatively interested. Ingredients:

  1. Ethnography of COVID and how people filtered, re-interpreted, circumvented or plain ignored COVID measures.
  2. Impact of noncompliance on modeling.
  3. Designing public health intervention for trust-building.
  4. Tracking of disinformation spreading.

Possible partners include @melancon and POLIMI. I think Stefano might like it. We need public health modeling expertise (Marco mentioned U Turku), but Marco has plenty of contacts in that domain.


Hi @alberto, nice to see you again @markomanka,

what type of support are you looking for on the UB side? Is it more on the engineering level – which is ok – or are you foreseeing new research results in the area of network science?

That’s negotiable. At MoN we all felt like it would be great to do more research projects together. So I am looking for excuses to do so, rather than “needing” anything in particular.

I looked through all the Green Deal and climate related calls, and these two seem to match best with our methodology:

  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-05: Wind energy in the natural and social environment. The “social environment” part would be our bit, and it’s quite interesting and potentially impactful. For example, in Germany new onshore wind generators are rarely being built nowadays because “people don’t like them around” and consequently a law was made saying they can only be built closer than 10 times their height from settlements if the local residents agree. But there are absolutely no incentives for them to agree – in my parents’ place there are many wind generators around, they’re basically “mining the resources” of the place, without any return to the local community. Exploring what incentives would make people accept them close to their villages would be a relevant thing to do. Such as, what if people in return got free electricity up to the average countrywide per-capita consumption?

  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-02: Solutions for the sustainable, resilient, inclusive and accessible regeneration of neighbourhoods enabling low carbon footprint lifestyles and businesses (Built4People). That connects to the work on urban green living we were doing for Climate-KIC before.

There are two more that I’m kind of interested in due to a collaboration with a friend who is into logistics:

  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-07: More efficient and effective multimodal freight transport nodes to increase flexibility, service visibility and reduce the average cost of freight transport
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-08: New delivery methods and business/operating models to green the last mile and optimise road transport

And then all the rest that sound meaningful to me but for which we have apparently no real way to get into consortia because we don’t have contacts in the space and it’s not what we have been doing so far:

  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-08: Restoration of natural wetlands, peatlands and floodplains as a strategy for fast mitigation benefits; pathways, trade-offs and co-benefits
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-09: The contribution of forest management to climate action: pathways, trade-offs and co-benefits
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-02-05: Let nature help do the job: Rewilding landscapes for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-08: Emerging technologies for a climate neutral Europe
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-11: Direct atmospheric carbon capture and conversion
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-14: Accelerating the climate transition in difficult contexts: transition super-labs (pilot)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-01-19: Clean Energy Transition
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-02: Next generation of renewable energy technologies
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-08: Cost-effective micro-CHP and hybrid heating systems
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-09: Carbon-negative sustainable biofuel production
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-02: Demonstration of innovative materials, supply cycles, recycling technologies to increase the overall circularity of wind energy technology and to reduce the primary use of critical raw materials
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-05: Demonstration of innovative plug-and play solutions for system management and renewables storage in off-grid applications
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-06: Novel Agro-Photovoltaic systems
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-10: Interoperable solutions for flexibility services using distributed energy storage
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-02-01: Demonstrating integrated technology solutions for buildings with performance guarantees (Built4People)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-02-02: Cost-effective, sustainable multi-functional and/or prefabricated holistic renovation packages, integrating RES and including re-used and recycled materials (Built4People)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01-01: Demand response in energy-efficient residential buildings
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01-02: Renewable-intensive, energy positive homes
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01-03: Smarter buildings for better energy performance
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-01: Designs, materials and solutions to improve resilience, preparedness & responsiveness of the built environment for climate adaptation (Built4People)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-04: Smart-grid ready and smart-network ready buildings, acting as active utility nodes (Built4People)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-05: More sustainable buildings with reduced embodied energy / carbon, high life-cycle performance and reduced life-cycle costs (Built4People)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-10: Innovative on-board energy saving solutions (ZEWT Partnership)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-03: Exploiting renewable energy for shipping, in particular focusing on the potential of wind energy (ZEWT Partnership)
  • HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-10: Testing safe lightweight vehicles and improved safe human-technology interaction in the future traffic system
  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-04: Accelerating the deployment of new and shared mobility services for the next decade

Hi! If could be of interest, the italian consortium TopIX (working on technological innovation, managing the internet exchange infrastructure in the Piedmont region, but also with strong ties with the social innovation background in Turin) is organizing a series of webinars on the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-la-programmazione-europea-2021-2027-horizon-europe-programme-155576350051 held in Italian. This one (14 june 2021 15:00 – 16:30 CEST) covers the Cluster 4 ‘ Digital, industry and space’ and hosts Alessandro Barbagli, Head of Sector Research Strategy & Programme Coordination, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.


Thanks @msanti, it could make sense… do you recommend it? What do you think, @ivan?

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It does look interesting. I booked a ticket.

Thank you @msanti

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Yes. Disclaimer: I participate to the BigDIVE course organized by TopIX, and there was a really inspiring environment. They are technically skilled, have a multidisciplinary, international mindset and a vision that could match some of Edgeryders’ topics. This webinar could be just informative or present an opportunity to check for synergies.


perhaps @trythis might be interested in some of this too?

Hi Massimo, how are you? Thank you for the heads up!

A really interesting webinar. Thanks again.
Another important appointment (@marina) are the info days which go from 28 June till 9 July.
No prior registration is necessary.

Are you planning to post a summary of this webinar? Maybe just in bulletpoints (even in Italian) it could be useful.

Yes, Info days plus the R&I days, posted here.

Ops… Hi Nadia! Using a long train trip to be up-to-date on Edgeryders and just noticed your comment, sorry! Everything is ok, always lots of engaging topics on the platform, I need to dig it up. @marina I took some notes on paper, I’ll search at home and try to put it here.