How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy's core team

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My idea/suggestion for building the world:
What happens when the technology to create an advanced civilization is radically networked and distributed. If we can make solar power generators and storage simply and cheaply anywhere in the world, can ferment a huge range of chemicals and foods, and 3D print advanced designs?

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Use the synergy of stocism and Biophilia as the main organizing principle

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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Hi Lucrezia, Hi @Rootstock,

I sent you an email with the login path

What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
Instead of using currencies, we could have a society with universal basic services granted to people, so people would have their basic needs covered and actually have more agency to choose what they want. This idea is based on Aaron Bastaniā€™s concept of Fully Automated Luxury Communism.

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
This is too vague a question. Are we talking village, nation, world, stellar system, interstellar?
The scope will change based on how large a group interaction that is desired. Also, past economies started as barter and then were moved to a ā€œrareā€ material used to exchange for items that had previously been bartered. This is not possible when rare on one world is not rare on another.

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
Before you get to the currency, letā€™s understand what we need currency / currencies for.

That depends on the choice of social and economic organization you are assuming. For example, inside a Kibbutz, I donā€™t need a currency. At least not an interchangeable one. Nor do I inside a family.

And if one possible future is that long-distance transportation becomes rare (one possible consequence of limited fossil fuels) then ā€œglobalā€ or widely used currency are sort of mostly pointless.


What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
Our group discussed the possibilities of things like gift economies and the challenges of scaling up these kinds of systems. In addition, we discussed the importance of social contracts. However, social contracts are not necessarily shared across cultures or worlds (in a multi-world setting). We discussed the challenges of distributing power. I think some kind of cooperative management of currencies would help to maintain a more equitable distribution of power. But I think path dependency also matters. Changing from current systems is different from starting with a clean slate. It would be interesting to explore both. Cooperative management would be easier for a society with no memory than moving from current system.

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
I was thinking about a technocratic, academic-driven society that would convert academic citation index into currency. The higher citation index someone would have, the more currency. However, if one spent some of this currency, more could be generated only by increasing oneā€™s index. So you could have a very high index and still remain poor, if you were a big spender. Plagiarism would be tantamount to forgery. There would be a black market of people who would write academic papers for those who would not be able to do it on their own.

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
A couple of themes that came up in our breakout chat:

  • Privacy and the importance of freedom - a feeling of being trapped by our e.g. credit card footprint etc. On the flipside, traceability important for transparency of financing and in the other direction, where things have come from.
  • What happened to trust? If you donā€™t trust you have to control. Formal currency is a way of formalising trust on one hand (albeit centrally controlled), but on the other transactions led to transactional behaviour - I do this, so you own me that.
  • Physical cash benefits from accesibility - this is very key.

Some other loose thoughts

  • Could imagine a 2-tier world where blockchain becomes standardised - but ta black market in physical currency evolves as a backlash

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
In our discussion, we talked about barter-trade systems that used skills as a currency, and the idea of creating localised commons for resources, there the ā€œcurrencyā€ or the transaction would be somewhat similar to a library loan.

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Hi! I donā€™t know what happened by my response have never been published and I guess therefore I never received a link to follow the discussion. Is it possible to see a recording of the webinar? Thank you so much!

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What alternative currencies/currency-rules you think should be experimented?
The amount of autonomy you turn over gives you credits, you can use to purchase goods and services. In other words, the more you let yourself being ā€œcontrolledā€ and hand-over data/ privacy/ etc. the more you are allowed to benefit ā€œfree services and goodsā€ and you have credits to purchase ā€œadd-onsā€.

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Meta question: what is edgeryders experience of building ā€œcurrencyā€? Iā€™m a newbie to this community, so am interested to understand how you have experienced "valuing"contributions and social capital? Is there something there about an intangible, unspoken, informal value?


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
flying and swimming homes. no borders.

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Here something about ā€œchallenger banksā€

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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