How to openly govern Edgeryders


And nope, you didn’t.

You are funny, too, Sir :smiley: Ok, then, second guess:

You’re proposing a quite masochist project of mining our own data in order to demonstrate to ourselves and to the world that “This is privacy. And it does not exist.” Better? If so, that proposal might be ironic or not … I really can’t tell.

If I remember well they identified the IP address… and I think we need to anonymize the connection.

I don’t remember exactly, but I think they narrowed it down to her by looking at what she searched for. May it be one way or the other, in the case of the Edgeryders project it’s clearly possible to track most people down from the content alone. We’re showing off personal projects here, with links even, mention employers and organizations etc. … and it’s all more or less unavoidable for the purpose of Edgeryders, even though I tried to reduce it to a minimum. Yet giving out one link too much in a heated discussion, and you’re done, privacy wise … . Doubt that THIS can be anonymized except by careful manual rewriting.

Oops I misunderstood

Ok I finally read the comment of yours where you say that, for data mining,

Edgeryders could create a new section where people can say everything

anonymously and give an ID, a password, a secret question and stop!"

That finally makes sense. Mining in a section of the site with independent user profiles where just questionaires are given and no content is asked that makes you identifyable.

Sorry for missing that piece, bud :slight_smile:

Smashing Facebook

Dear Logo,

a killer application is a sort of smash of the market. Are we living in the kwonledge age

(“era della conoscenza” in italiano, che è di gran lunga più fico ;).

What do you mean with raw data? Or Alberto should explain it…