IARC 2023 Transcripts - 03 AND

Which kind of car?

A bmw.

Okay. But it’s electric or hybrid or conventional.

It’s a conventional diesel.

Okay. When is the one adjective that comes to mind when you think about electronics in a car? What is the first thought you think when you hear electronics in the car?

Yeah, well, that’s not difficult because there are two different ways. When I talk about when you talk about electronic in accordance can be an electric car. So this is one thing. Second part, when I think about electronic in a car, it’s it’s nice to have but we doesn’t need it actually.

In your opinion are cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to the to circular economy principles than regular cars?

There should be no difference. Recycling of metals electronics is something which we we know how to do and it’s done. So there is a just a question of, uh, value you can take out when you have a when you have gold in a car. And of course recycling will be paid when you have a lot of plastic, then perhaps you have to pay for recycling. So.

Um, what can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy, in your opinion?

No idea. No idea.

Okay. Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in car electronics like GPS?

That’s a problem. Yeah. Because I believe we do not have really a access to delete this data or this information. So this is one of the problems we have to face. It’s not only in the cars, it’s also on each mobile mobile device or each credit card or whatever. There is a lot of data stored, resell, resold, and that’s the bad thing. There are resold often and that’s not good. So I believe there is a lot to do in the future to just cut down the the curiosity of other people.

Uh, does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?


Could you explain, please?

Yeah. Reuse is really reuse. Use it again. And recycling is just a word for everything. So there is nothing included in recycling. When you collect something, then you do recycling. When you recycle it or when you are disassembling or dismantle it, then you also recycling it. So recycling is just a term for everything and nothing.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Then let’s say one. I believe we have technologies, we have tools and know how to to do it correctly, at least in a big part of the world. What is just missing is, I would say the the what is it the the English term, therefore the the not the volunteer to to do it So often It’s also a question of money. I mean, when you do some recycling of or when you do a downcycling of something of course you are always interested in the values and at the end there is always something which has no value. And for this part you need some additional money to do a to do the recycling or disposal correctly. But I believe we, we have enough, uh uh knowhow to do it correctly for the most things. Uh, there’s just a kind of political will or the will of everybody to do it correctly. And yeah.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Yeah, well, we, we helped our customers to, to do at least the correct or adequate, uh, storage or quarantine of damaged batteries, for example. We, we also help them with our knowhow when they have questions, how they can solve a problem. And I have also done a certain part in my life. I have done recycling. So in this case, I have a lot of things done and there’s still a bit of knowhow that they can share.