IARC 2023 Transcripts - 21 MARTIN

In your opinion, are cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to circular economy than regular cars?

It’s harder because my goal is to reuse everything. So first, prevent, reuse material recycling. So I want to reuse and all the all the precious metal with the electronics. It’s hard to take out all the car because the labor costs are high. So we can we can take it with the machines and then we sell it for scrap. But the best thing is that the step before that, we take it out and we can sell it as a car or remanufacturing or reuse.

But what can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy, in your opinion.

That the automotive industry at this moment, they see the dismantling industry as a kind of competitor? So we we we don’t get the data we we need for the we need if I dismantle a car, I need to write the part number from the part. And it cost me a lot of time. So we need the original data and that helps us to to to the circularity of the used parts. And we and we always can tell the customer that it will be 100% of it and he can install it safely.

Okay. Uh.

I need to go

Yeah, please. 3 Questions. Uh, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in, by car electronics?


Uh, does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes, because recycling, then it’s often not getting back in the car. It’s recycling and then a new product. So a lot of costs you have. But reuse, it’s it’s it’s the cheapest way and iPhone. Iphone mental way. It’s the best It’s the best way.

On a scale scale of 1 to 5 one means not at all concerned. Five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Um. Three. Yeah, I think I think they are on the right way now because it’s such a hot item with the European Commission with new regulations. So I think we’re getting there.

Third, last question. What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Uh, so because of our business, 98% we have we recycle the car. And I already telling that. Yeah

Uh, how much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment ?

Yeah, it’s. It’s important. It’s very important. Yeah.

Uh, last question. Do you see the circular economy as local or national or international issue?

It’s an international issue. (Why?) Yeah, because we all the countries need to work together. Because some countries are very good in that some countries need those resources. So it. It needs to be international. Yeah.

Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Thank you for your information sheet. I hope I helped you a little bit.