IARC 2023 Transcripts - 25 NOK

In your opinion, a car that include electronic components is easier or harder to adapt to a circular economy principles than a regular car.

I would say it’s easier to adapt, but since I’m not an e-car owner, I’m driving some an analog analogy to to bike actually, we don’t, we rarely use the car. I most times I’m using my e-bike and if I compare okay not not a good comparison but but yes I’d say it does have advantages. Yeah.

What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy?

More partnerships, less individualized solutions, more standardization, Harmonization. Yeah, that’s the priority, I think. Yeah.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example GPS, when you will reuse this electronic?

in principle, I don’t have concerns. It’s only a matter of how far they go. To what extent? Yeah, but it’s how do you say what you need to share as data can be done? Yeah, but we have to define what is needed and then it’s okay.

does recycling. And reusing means different things to you.

Yes, they mean different things to me.

Could you explain.

If I am if I think detailed or if I am more strict? Yeah. Recycling is there. I need to change the material in whatever way, whether I change it mechanically or chemically. And reusing is, is really just changing the owner or extending lifetime. So it’s in the so-called waste hierarchy we call it. It’s the more it’s the preferred way to deal with materials than recycling. Yeah.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?



Very much. I mean, me and you, we are lucky. We are living in a region where we don’t really see the environmental burdens. Maybe we feel it if we say, okay, this summer is a bit hotter. Or of course there are also floods in Europe. But I think the reasons where people really have to suffer, we don’t see them or we don’t, at least not every day we see the pollution in the oceans and the the waste heaps where the next generation in poorer countries have to earn some money. So I think we all are less concerned than we should be. But it’s only because we are lucky and we are living in a region where you don’t have it in front of your eyes every day. It’s a privilege, but we shouldn’t forget that it’s still out there and it’s a high concern. Yeah.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Okay, Starting around yourself, you start with your family, Of course. I try hard to get away from meat. It starts with your food. Try to teach the children. I cannot zwingen (force). I cannot force them to become vegetarian or even vegan. But I can teach them why I am trying it to give them food for thought. And as I told you, we really very rarely use our car. We live in such a way that we do everything with bike. Nearly everything with the bike. Yeah. And that’s what you do in your everyday life where I start Yeah.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make, uh, lifestyle and consumer choices that can help protect the environment?

How much responsibility? Well, essentially, those who can afford it, let’s put it this way, should maybe have the higher responsibility. I mean, still, there are a lot of people in this earth. Their biggest worries is how to survive. Yeah. You cannot say to them, hey, take food with less CO2 footprint. Yeah. So the better off you are. And here again, you and me, we are very privileged. Those people have the higher responsibility in general. Yeah. We also have the education. Very important thing. We are all educated, people who are not educated on that in general. It’s not their fault. They just don’t know. Yeah.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

It’s everything. You start locally, but especially if it comes to CO2 emissions. We all know the the the impact will be worldwide. So of course you try near your home, but it has to extend and it has to become global. Unless it’s the problems will be just shifted somewhere else. That’s how it is. So no border. In the end. Yeah.