IARC 2023 Transcripts - 27 RUD

Oh, it’s 40 years ago. Yeah. Or electronics was always important.

in your opinion, are cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to the circular economy than regular older cars?

No, I don’t believe I believe it’s a question of knowledge. And in my opinion, in Africa they don’t have the knowledge you have to do better.

What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy to make it more?

What kind. What? What? What do you mean, what kind?

No. What can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy?

I guess every car manufacturer, it’s a it’s a mega trend. You Yeah. You have to do.

Uh, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in the car electronics like GPS or something like that?

For me, it doesn’t matter, But it’s a critical point. Yes.of course

does recycling and reusing mean different things to you? Yes. Could you explain, please?

Reusing is the long use and recycle is only to put A used car to a right place to dismantle and take from them what you can. Yeah.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned, and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?



It’s my personal interest. I’m introducing ISO 40 001 to all Toyota dealers in Switzerland. That’s for me. Yeah. And I told you I wrote a work at school. And I see the the performance from Toyota Europe. It’s. Yeah, it’s. It’s the future.yeah

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability,


Reflecting and and trying to do the best.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Of course. But it doesn’t work. We need politic without politic No, no.