Icons for all 12 challenges


Thanks, Jonocosa,

sorry for not getting in touch - complicated days. The logos look great! As @elf mentioned, I also started to think about them -  I kind of penciled a quick sketch for all the challenges, will get them to you. Shall we communicate through the Trello board?

Shure @Katelin :) Trello  would be great, can you sen your contact to me ?

Noemi no the last icon (the windmill) is for renewable energies challenge, i’m still thinking about the other challenges, but yes I like your Idea :slight_smile:

I really like the icons. Do we need a style guide?

I dont know if this is being worked on already but perhaps we should develop a simple style guide for external communication? I think the unMonastery website works really well so maybe we can build on that and choose a selection of colours, fonts etc that everyone can use. This would help us look more like an entity when we’re communicating with Materans. Call it unbranding if we have to.

Sound good [Lucia] , how about if we use auer github account ?

I think it would be best if we have all our common resource on a single host like github. Every member should have access to the files and we would also have a version control system for our common resources.

Maybe things like images and logos could be put under common licenses so that journalist and bloggers have content to put in there articles.

we could upload some files about best practices and coding standards, maybe event checklist.

I used very basic web secure colors on the icons so I think they will be no problem.

Or Edgeryders github …

You probably mean the unMonastery Github account. For the record, there is also an Edgeryders Github account. If you want to push something on there, I would gladly give you push rights.

Great Matthias I did not konw

Great [Matthias] I did not konw that there are 2 github account :slight_smile:

I would love to upload what I have so far so yes please give me access.

[katalin ] can you give me access to your Trello board ? :slight_smile:

Created a Github repo and gave you access.

[jonocosa], I just created a stub unmonastery-graphics repository on Github and gave you access to it. You can also give other users access to that repo by yourself.

tanks [Matthias]

Great I will do some cleanup on the files and upload them :slight_smile:

sorry! + logos

Hi [jonocosa],

sorry for vanishing, a million things are happening, among them that we have no internet connection. Here is a link to the files on our trello board and also a link to the skecthes I made for all 12. The pencil sketches are really rudimentary, and the logos themselves are not too polished, but you get the idea. basically I wanted to visualize “disconnect” - between people, generations, services, information, etc. So we can preent the unMon prjects that create these connections.

Since we have no internet, I will have more time to work on these, but without internet it is very difficult to communicate. Nevertheless let me know what you think, whether I should contiue with this, or you just use my sketches to generate ideas for the slightly different style of your designs. I hope the internet comes back on Monday and we can communicate better.

Thanks for your patience,


I like the idea

Hi [katalin] I like waht you have so far.

Well how about If I alter my icons accordingly to your idea and the make the other icons based on your design ?

I will post it on Trello and hier.

Upload Icons

Hi there,

I uploaded the altered icons into GitHub - edgeryders/unmonastery-graphics: Source files for original graphics design work done for unmonastery.eu. account have a look I like some feedback :slight_smile:


Hi there, I also made all 12 - they are on the on the trello board - elf will decide which ones to use. I don’t mind, really. I am very new to github - next time we can work better together :slight_smile: , Katalin

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Clossing this task

Hi I will close this task the files can be found here