Internet of Humans matchmaking event in Stockholm

I’m sorry to say it won’t work out this time. Looking forward to future events!

I would like to elaborate slightly on what I’m so excited about. Mainly I’m coming for the session with @alberto, but certainly I’m staying for the Internet of Humans workshop and the fiercely brilliant community.
As a technologist, reader and dabbling philosopher I went through the perhaps recognizable process from Internet awe (“Wikipedia will rescue Truth!”) to attention fatigue. There a couple of years ago Alexander Bard, Joi Ito and Kevin Kelly saved me, and since then Susan Blackmore, Marshall McLuhan, Herbert Simon, Robin Dunbar, “Hanzi Freinacht” et al have kept me inspired.
Network effects, serendipity, conversations, meaning, the invitation from @hugi alerted me to that there may be others who walk these paths beside and ahead of me. Let’s see how I move past my awe this time.
Perhaps you’ll appreciate my humble, initial contribution “Meditation on group communication


Well recognized, @unclecj. Well recognized indeed.

I have a different pantheon (bar Herbert Alexander Simon), but I think I get the idea.

I am curious: is there a reason why you don’t mention topology? In network terms, your groups are perfect cliques, with everybody connected to everybody else by edges of equal weight representing communications. That is… a very specific configuration to require. Groups can scale much better if you allow for more flexibility in patterns of connectivity (local hubs, lattices, small world etc.).


Thanks. I imagine others would benefit from recognizing the same…

Looking forward to learning more about yours :slight_smile:

Precisely the question I hope you might elaborate on! Indeed I could rename my article “meditation on meetings”, I was mainly thinking of the communication happening around a single table. My intention was to establish a base case, driven by my personal hypersensitivity to quality of conversation and inspired by the late Ladislaus Horatius’ “Mindfulosophy”.
I touch on topology in “Dividing into smaller group can enable more participation and diverse conversations, but unless you can summarize and bring those thoughts back you lose out on the benefits of a large group of participants to begin with” and have seen (painfully) failed attempts to migrate existing large groups to sensible topologies… but yes, I very much look forward to your elaboration.

You make a good point in your essay, if I understand it correctly, that sometimes if you disagree with something someone says in a larger group conversation, it is often better to not feed it with your attention rather than take vocal issue with it, since often that leads to a tangent that can derail the main thrust of the conversation. In my experience this is useful in many, if not most cases.

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That’s definitely my preferred analysis, which may of course have its antithesis. The philosophy group that caused me to formulate these thoughts would get hijacked in almost surreal ways… on the other hand some of my most magically mindful meetings have been with Noden / Blivande, but that resilience seems carefully cultivated.

Having said that, there are abundant aspects of network society I have not formulated, and I may already have hijacked this thread or preempted the matchmaking event… Are we on a good track here, for a while mesmerizing ourselves with the power of network effects and memetics, or does @hugi or @alberto care to direct us some ahead of the event on Saturday? I’ll spend some time to read the material available, learn of founding principles etc… And will see most of you on Saturday!

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Hey guys, ahead of the Stockholm meetup you may want to have a look at this post as I think it can be helpful for the discussion. Maybe also help spread it around to your people so we can grow this conversation…


Wow! Not only does the amount of IPFS/Scuttlebutt/whatever experience in this group excite me, but timestamps… I was an early employee in Guardtime and learnt the innovative details of Ahto Buldas’ protocol. Let’s talk!

Hey everyone! Some more info about the event and a request:

Alberto’s presentation is starting at 13.00 and our workshop is still starting at 14.00. The request:

We kindly need to ask you to bring a laptop for the event if you have the possibility. The laptops will help us document the day and lay foundation for continued collaboration and progress online after the workshop.

In connection to this, please also download these templates (in .odt and .docx) and bring them with on your laptop for the workshop. Link: MEGA

We’re looking forward to see you all for the event on Saturday!

Ping (confirmed attendees) @anton @fjallstrom @jonas @matshenricson @helioloureiro @ella @erik_lonroth @kristofer @ansuz @rebeca @ashkan @jonasjohansson @phoebe @guff @akenyg @Michanek @linlj @Engstrom_PP @nadan @hendrikpeter @rasmus @matteo_ghetti @camillal @kazarnowicz @questioneer @unclecj @zelf


@hugi unfortunately I won’t make it, due to some last minute developments. I hope it doesn’t cause any pain with regards to the planning! Sad to miss this one!

Only a couple of days to go! On Saturday, you will be in the exceedingly capable hands of @mattiasx and @alberto, and we’ve laid a final hand to the event schedule together. I’m sad to say that I must attend the funeral of a family member this weekend and have had to return to Iceland. Hence, I will not be there at the event. I will, however, follow up with all of you next week. I’m very sad to miss this, but after all, this is only the beginning. I am really looking forward to seeing what comes out of this and reconnecting with you once I am back.


Hey, I will gladly attend. I currently put a lot of my efforts so that more research-based ideas hit the streets. This looks like a great community, curious to meet in person.


I’d like to join too.

I’m developing an open source decentralized alternative to things like Slack, Quora, Facebook groups, Reddit, Disqus. It’s called Talkyard.

I’m from Gothenburg, Sweden, live in Stockholm. Looking forward to meeting everyone and finding out more :- )


Hi! I’m interested in possibility of decentralized internet and what society could be like having tools to share and preserve information freely. Going to attend leading talk today and hope to participate in meeting group which follows

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Link to templates: MEGA

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Hello to all the humans of the Internet of humans event, it was really lovely to meet you all. You can see by the picture (that only contains Scuttlebutt users, apparently – thanks @zelf for the initiative!) that we were pretty happy by the end of it.

Some people have been asking for the slides of my presentation. Here they are inclusive of presenter notes. I have stored it on CryptPad as a tribute to @ansuz; I am a CryptPad newbie, let me know if I have set the permissions wrong and you are unable to download. Special shout out to my triad mates @erik_lonroth, @matshenricson and Typhaine (yes, a triad of four). Also nice talking to @Engstrom_PP and the fiery @rebeca. @phoebe, you were missed! I hope to get to meet you at some point. :slight_smile:


404 PAGE NOT FOUND :frowning:

There we go… :slight_smile:

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Thanks @unclecj!!

Thank you all for an awesome event! Had a great time and many great meetings as well as conversations.

Very happy to have gone.

See my notes from @alberto s presentation here :slight_smile:

Much :heart_decoration:


I’m sorry to have missed this event. I only found out about this project last week via a colleague at Holo. I will be making a proper introduction in due course and explore how I can get involved.

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