Inventory & Requests

IMO only to the post is ok. I think two forms that lead to the same event can only confuse the eventual user


where is the code source for that form? so it can be changed.

This is the post where it comes from.

but in this post the link works, and in the form not. Ah, ok, this is why @owen has to check it.

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@ivanc @MariaEuler

It’s not an issue with the forms software that needs to be fixed - all the form does is render the text from a post on platform - and it does that in a very literal manner. That means any errors or shorthand that are in that post, will be rendered in the form text. If you go to the source post, you’ll see the link is not an absolute link:

Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 21.12.08

That may be ok on the discourse platform, but if it’s being rendered in a separate application on a different domain and server, a relative url will remain a relative url to that domain. The same applies to images, a relative path will not work as we saw last week.

Tldr: change [alien economy on Earth](/t/13876) to [alien economy on Earth]( and you’re good to go.

Hope that clears it up!

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Thank you

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hello, @MariaEuler, could you produce a tell.form for this, please?
We need a signup section for the webinar (in the first days of December).

@IvanC, should the text on the form be this whole post? It is a bit unclear as a text asking people to sign up + to have people sign up an actual date would probably be good.

Is there any specific question you want them to answer when signing up?

We will use this as a “save a date” for the people who have expressed interest in the Worldbuilding Academy (or are already registered). It would be good to have it ready for Wednesday morning when we will definitely fix a date. So, if you produce the form with a complete text and the signup space, I will then add date and time when I have them.

Definitely not the whole post. Field number one, radio button: “Yes, I want to take part in ’
How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy’s core team”. Field number 2, text: “My idea/suggestion for building the world.”


@alberto, @MariaEuler

Does this text work? tell for webinar 2.odt (14.1 KB)

@IvanC Ivan, it is still rather long. I made it a bit shorter, the backstory of how the idea came about is not necessary here. Just the content of this webinar itself:

How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy’s core team

Dear SciFi-Economics and alien economy enthusiasts and futurists,

In the first week of December, we are organising a webinar to present the initial concept and initial thoughts on our project to channel out-of-the-box economic thinking into creating a fictional world and seek feedback from the community.

Out of many applications, we decided to make Yudhanjaya Wijeratne our future writer in residence. He championed the idea to involve more people in the process.

We created a team with the task to prepare, and pre-populate an online space where everyone is invited to contribute with ideas, analysis, references, visuals, to build an open-source world. The webinar will serve to present the initial stage and the concept of participation.

You are invited!

radio button: “Yes, I want to take part in the workshop’

"My idea/suggestion for building the world:”

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Great, thank you

or even shorter:

How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy’s core team

Dear SciFi-Economics and alien economy enthusiasts and futurists,

In the first week of December, we are organising a webinar to present the initial concept and initial thoughts on our project to channel out-of-the-box economic thinking into creating a fictional world and seek feedback from the community.

Together with our future writer in residency, Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, we prepare, and pre-populate an online space where everyone is invited to contribute with ideas, analysis, references, visuals, to build an open-source world.

You are invited!

radio button: “Yes, I want to take part in the workshop’

"My idea/suggestion for building the world:”

actually the shorter is better but with a correction in the end as down here:

How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy’s core team

Dear SciFi-Economics and alien economy enthusiasts and futurists,

In the first week of December, we are organising a webinar to present the concept and thoughts on our project to channel out-of-the-box economic thinking into creating a fictional world and seek feedback from the community.

Together with our future writer in residency, Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, we are preparing and pre-populating an online space where everyone will be invited to contribute with ideas, analysis, references, visuals in building this open-source world.
The webinar will serve to present the initial stage and the concept of participation.

You are invited!

radio button: “Yes, I want to take part in the workshop’

"My idea/suggestion for building the world:”

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the form is designed to have at least a short description, so I would like to add a 2 sentence description text as in this proposal @alberto

Why do you frame it as a message (“Dear John…”)? It is a web page. The description should be something like:

The Worldbuilding Academy is an effort to build an open source fictional world, to serve as the backdrop for science fiction/fantasy novels, films, or games. This world is different from other fictional worlds, in that it pays a lot of attention to its economies, and makes its economies radically different from the one we live in. Join us to find out where the project is, and how you can be part of it.

Monday, December 7th, 17.00 CET (more info).


Works for me. Since we already have a date, can we move the original post into public space?

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ok will do it this way. In future, when requests for forms are made, I would be great if the event organisers could provide such a short description with the request as well as the question they want. that makes the process so much faster. I I have to try to draw that up without full knowlege there will be lots of double work.
(as described in the main post on how to make the requests)

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