Invoice payment process

I assume Dynlist, as this is the task place to be now.
but I believe we need to update the post

Sorry @hazem, I think @matthias has changed Collaboratory into Documentation (Documentation & Support - Edgeryders)?? If so, I will change this instruction page. Maybe also make it a community wiki?

Let me know, now’s the time since Anique will also need to be onboarded.

Hmm no, I just removed “Collaboratory” completely, as it was empty after the move to Dynalist. I’ll update the text above accordingly now, and make it a wiki.

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I guess this is the link where the claims should be made? Or solely on Dynalist?

That category is only for documentation … putting payment requests inside would clutter it too much. I have updated the instructions above now, have a look if it works for the purposes here.

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It works, thanks! And for formatting the wiki properly, I find it harder with this discourse editor than before.
I have one doubt about freeagent users at Level 2 as they are now - not sure if indeed they can add contacts. Perhaps its better that we add them prior to beginning working.
But if the categories names change more in the future… well we ourselves wont find where stuff is :slight_smile:

thanks for the updates.
and yes I can add new contacts, but I can’t add expenses to their account, can only add a bill.

on the new contact page, add new drop down menu, i have bill, project, invoice, estimate.

so can’t add Simon’s travel as “expenses” in the freeagent for now.

That makes sense. The idea is that Simon adds it himelf if he wants to be reimbursed. (That said, there’s nothing against upgrading you and other core collaborators to more privileges in FreeAgent when the need for that arises.)

Ideally collaborators should add themselves as Contacts and upload themselves bills and reimbursement requests.
By collaborators we mean people like you, Hazem, in an official project capacity. You can do this for yourself - upload your own reimbursement requests right?

In Simon’s case, and anyone in OpenVillage other than the project team (=collaborators) - all of the people we reimburse or whose one-off services we pay for are managed by the project manager. Which means it’s easier that you to upload a bill from Simon - not Expense, without him having access to all this information.

I uploaded bills for all the festival participants… otherwise it would have been admin nightmare…

That (booking non-invoice payment requests as bills) is a nice trick that will be handy at times. I should document it :slight_smile:

But I don’t really understand why it’s needed in this case? You can also create expense reimbursement requests for anyone else, with the added benefit over bills that FreeAgent sums up all claims automatically (in case there are multiple expense records, belonging to different expense categories).

noted , so I will upload it as a bill.

I am not sure about final accounting if freeagent makes a differentiation between bills and expenses form an accounting point of view and/or whether we need it or not.

No it does not. Both are expenses of certain expense categories, and can be associated to projects, so it’s fine. I was just wondering whether we should or should not keep the expense accounting uniform (means, using only the expense claim feature in FreeAgent for that) or not.

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Indeed you can, but expense records need to be assigned to Users of freeagent, whereas for bills you only need Contacts.

Practically, it’s more time consuming to create users than to add contacts.

In theory, users are more like team members, so long term collaborators, whereas contacts are any business or individual you work with, so short term. Which is why it makes sense to only create users for team members.

Other than that, of course ideally you’d distinguish between expenses and bills… but well, imperfect system, imperfect organisation and so on :slight_smile:

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@noemi I uploaded the visa fees of yosser as requested , Please take a look on free agent and update it

Hey, that’s great, I’m glad you found your way :stuck_out_tongue:
Paying today!

Watch out because this new version of freeagent does not do the transactions reconciling the same as before. You tell him you repaid expenses and it doesnt show in your expense account/ page view…

Anyway, I can double check when I;m back-- i do remember seeing some repayments to you i.e Matera.

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You are right. This sucks. Also, when I go to the account history, it does not show there either. I did find a place to look:

Accounting => Show Transactions => Expense Account Alberto Cottica (

And you are indeed right. I was only owed a little over 500 EUR, which means I now need to transfer back the balance!

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Hmm interesting, didn’t know about these changes. Could you integrate that new knowledge into our manual topic for payment requests?


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To keep track of reimbursed expenses it’s easier that we just use Bills from now on - otherwise we will get confused…