(Originally published here, now moved to its own public topic by @matthias.)
Issues/Bug Fixes: @matthias
The codes/annotations in the backend only update upon refreshing the page, which means new codes assigned to the post that the ethnographer is currently working on are not autosuggested to the ethnographer as they code on that same post. The autosuggestion function is important when coding the same thread to ensure continuity. And the codes don’t appear in the backend until refreshing.
Codes are not assigned to entire highlighted text. Ethnographer selects the text for coding, codes it, and after pressing save OE doesn’t highlight/code all the selected text – it sometimes shrinks the selection so a few words are left out of the annotation that were highlighted. This is visible in the backend, not on the coded page itself.
Pages with photographs sometimes only offer the photo coding function, and the words are uncodeable.
When trying to merge codes in backend, an error message appears.
Isidora (@supernova) and @Maja are both coding in Serbian and would like to have each others’ codes suggested to them.
Sometimes when coding an already highlighted portion of text, the box to add a code doesn’t appear.