Kafal Local Media Servers

Still interested, of course!

@FreddyK Thank you for the note, and yes, we are still interested! The basic idea is still there and in development (rural education and knowledge distribution via digital offline content), but it has developed further.

The closest thing to the existing Kafal servers idea are the E-Pustakalaya mini-servers by OLE Nepal (presented as “school servers”, and there is a bit more details on them at the bottom of their newest newsletter, incl. a price tag of 310 USD). Integrating them with schools and community centers, as done by OLE Nepal, seems good for their maintenance and longevity – in all, there is little need to pursue a Raspberry Pi version (the Kafal servers) just because they would be somewhat cheaper.

The current version of our concept is Future Makers Academy. Local offline servers would be one way to distribute the content, but far from the only one – see the last link for details. At first, we’d focus on creating the audio based courses, not on the tech infrastructure. Basically, a Khan Academy for rural education, focusing on practical knowledge, not school content as in Khan Academy. If we can get this funded, we also have a team member interested to work on it in Nepal (she will be in Nepal anyway from this October for, I think, one year). Have a look, and if you like this iteration of the concept, we’re interested in a collaboration for sure :slight_smile:

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@FreddyK, @Matthias - I’d be super interested. if you think this has a chance, I think we left some job undone in Nepal

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@Natalia Skoczylas That is what I thought. I’ll fly to Kathmandu end oktober this year to meet with the founder of The Human Practice Foundation and to take a look at the schools funded by the foundation and built by the foundation.

@Matthias There you go. Thanks for the link to the existing server service. Are you thinking of somethign down the lines of this in regards to offline audio teaching material http://www.swaraj.org/shikshantar/who.html & http://schoolingtheworld.org/???

I’d be interested in discussing you business ideas too, once I have the time to skim properly over your long list of ideas. Perhaps we can set up a skype call the upcoming week. Perhaps with the founder of the foundation, if she has the time, to…

Unschooling, sure

@FreddyK If you refer to unschooling and “no need for degrees and exams” ideas by posting the links, then yes, sure. Traditional schooling is just a weird idea to me, I don’t even think about building something that resembles school processes. The more distinguishing feature will be the type of content, though – a good part coming from the maker / hacker / DIY movements. Would make it the first (?) comprehensive system where you learn to solve all your problems yourself instead of being prepared for a “job”.

I welcome a Skype call next week or whenever you have time. Can explain and brainstorm some more around the business ideas list as well (I just don’t intend to make anyone of these into a project by myself, for capacity / time reasons …).

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Do you have im to skype Friday @ 10:00?

My username is humlekrups