Learning to learn about futures thinking


Hey @Nadia,

Sorry for not responding sooner…

I’ve got a few ideas…

IFTF’s Social Inventor’s toolkit is good stuff and definitely worth a look.

A colleague at Hawaii has started cataloging our projects here, and I think you might dig what we did for the SGLI and The Thing from the Future, which you can also learn more about here.

Glad to chat in the coming days, and I wish I could be there!

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Blast from the past: Ten Common Pitfalls, a paper from 1957

I just shared this session proposal online. In response a friend shared a link to “Ten Common Pitfalls”, Rand corporation publication from 1957:

A draft of a chapter of a proposed book on military planning in an uncertain world. The present study identifies and discusses some of the common mistakes made by operations analysts and systems analysts. The authors summarize such pitfalls as modelism, statistical and real uncertainties, overconcentration, phasing, overambition, fanaticism, and hermitism.

Has anyone read it? http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2006/RM1937.pdf

@Nadia, can you take a look at the wiki with the program tonight and check where your session would fit best? https://edgeryders.eu/en/node/3938/

Saturday would be best

Hi Natalia,

Saturday is a better day as I might be joined by someone who will not make it on the friday…possible?

Notes from the session now online- please add your own!

Please add the notes for the third group if you were in it :slight_smile:

Here we go: https://edgeryders.eu/en/lote4/notes-from-the-lote4-session-on-learning-to-learn-about-futures