Lote as a process, an open source project -- Lote3.1 alpha and Making #Lote4


Hi, Dorotea, Hi All,

I’m all for Sintra (full disclosure: I live in Lisbon so it’s a 5 min walk), and Sintra qualifies for an EdgeRetreat like no other: It is a romantic place and it is situated on the very Edge of Europe!

October is fine. Sintra is also participating in the Mayors Challenge


so one can reasonably expect some open-minded people in the town council, not only these “I’m out to lunch” type of guys.

Why don’t we schedule a meeting with the townspeople one afternoon?

Hugs, Thomas

Great idea :slight_smile:

Great idea, let’s do that ! :slight_smile:

It’s always good to get a good overview of our social and innovation landscape :slight_smile:

and it’s wonderful to work with open-minded people .

I’m still with a bit of cold, but slowly recovering, so I should be able to do that sometime soon …

*** Hugs ***


Hey, count me in for a meeting!

Still in town. :- )


Hey, Rita,

Of course you are!  : )

Please come with us ! (I’ll be glad if I don’t have to do all the talking with my “broken” Portuguese.)

I’m already figuring out who to contact first …

Abraços (which is “Hugs” in PT)


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Lote 3 Nostalgia

As I was going through some easy to use online based video editing software,http://www.loopster.com/

i sort of tested a video yesterday for remembering LOTE 3 moments … and made this 1 min pictorial video with title animations … Hope it shows new comers what Lote is about … 

UnClick here :)