Masters of Network 4: Networks of Care


I see your role as helping to shape questions, i.e. map the methodology we’ll be working with onto care in general and OpenCare in particular. smiley

all right

I’m in

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… please click on the “Attend” button. While you are at it, please do the same on the LOTE5 event here. @Rossana_Torri, can you do it too please? I will explain better the rationale for this when we meet in Brussels. smiley


I did it for the LOTE event.

Unfortunatly I have to fly back to Milan on Friday evening…

Lucia will stay for MoN till Sat morning.

“Yes, but what will we DO?”

@melancon, my friend: our text is clear and nicely written, but it is not a work program. I added a tentative agenda section. Please look it up and see if you think it makes sense. If it does, assign yourself as the coordinator of a challenge… or maybe let’s decide to do only one challenge, so we can hack together!

I kind of like the idea of the quality challenge. smiley

Input from all participants welcome! @MoE @dora @Betty_Gorf @jimmytidey (Jimmy, are you coming?)

Need a hand


I was about to edit the text of the event, but I thought I should double-check – I admit I have but no experience in organizing things the way it takes place on

  • I already asked for a list of attendees, thinking I could possibly format the workshop according to the audience.
    • I could probably refine the different challenges accordingly.
  • I thought I should share the data ahead of time for those who wish to have alook at the material we'll be using. I have a set of JSONs, and I also uploaded everything into a Neo4j database. Neo4j is nice because it allows to readily visualize the data without really doing anything special (but install neo4j).
    • Note: the JSONs I have include much more content than what you describe. I guess the few hundreds users and comments you mention were obtained by discarding but items of interest (I see this as being part of the process).


  • The list of attendees is going to be provisional at best. Your main audience is the OC consortium. Several people from the ER community will also attend. Some will be more on the data geek side, like @MoE; others will be from the medical space (I spoke to a woman called Claire at the LOTE5 apéro). We'll have to improvise. My solution to this is: we announce clearly what the tracks will be, and people who come will be attracted by the tracks. 
  • To share the data ahead of time is a great idea. I suggest a GitHub repo. 
  • Take care! The dataset has the whole Edgeryders conversation at the time it was generated, so thousands of posts and well over 10,000 comments. But only those of the Spot The Future projects are coded with semantic information! For the rest, you can draw an Edgesense-style social network, but that's about it. Unless you want to try NLP stuff, which I would advise against because it is a totally different methodological path. 

Coordinator for interpretation challenge

@Noemi, I deliberately put you as coordinator for the interpretation – without asking you first whether you would like to, or even be available! I only did it based on your past experience of previous MoNs. I know you would do a marvelous job.


Flattered but…

Thanks @melancon. The only issue I see is that I have to moderate the European Capitals panel Saturday starting 2PM.

I would also recommend @Hazem for the job, as he is joining us for Lote, has been doing previous work with Edgesense and knows the ER network well enough.

How about teaming up

Thanks @Noemi

How about teaming up with @Hazem in the morning and then leaving (the most fabulous) MoN4 to join your afternoon session?

@Hazem, please let me know whether this suits you.


count me in

sure will be there.

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@Hazem So you are now officially coordinating the interpretation challenge!

Looking forward to meet you at LOTE5.


Network newbie with graphic and statistics background

I am relatively new to networks, but i’m working on a serious project with networks and i have a background in graphic design and in statistics. I can program in R but won’t be able to bring a laptop.

I am particularly interested in the visualisation challenge and looking forward at meeting you all!


@RossellaB Do not forget we all were newbies at some point, and will probably remain newbies on so many topics till the end. I am real happy to count you in.

Looking forward to code in your company :slight_smile:


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Thanks Guy! That is certainly true.

Question about Detangler

I was having a look at Detangler and I don’t understand what the coordinates x and y stand for. I can see scatter plots and bar plots but I don’t know what they tell about the network. Can someone help me out?

It’s all in the interaction

Hi @RossellaB, good to see you are playing with Detangler.

First thing you need to know is that nodes on the left panel (substrates) are the main focus. Those substrates relate to one another through nodes on the right panel (catalysts). Catalysts are the “reasons” why substrates relate to one another. In the demo example, people get connected because they co-participate to political lodges (you may have recognized names from the so-called Paul Revere night ride from the American revolution). The quest is to try to figure out, for instance, who was in a position to reach all of those guys pretty quickly (in order to organize a mutiny before the British authority could counterfeit them).

The x, y position of nodes is decided in the following way: nodes on the right panel are displayed using a force-directed layout (ask me if you have no idea what that is). There is no absolute meaning in the x or y value, nodes are just positioned so as to have a readable display. Nodes on the left panel are positionned according to how they relate to nodes in the right panel. The layout attemps at mimicking the layout on the left, substrates are positionned “around” the catalysts to which they correspond (although catalysts are not embedded in the panel. The reason is to make the selection more natural: when you select substrates at the top in the left panel, you may expect the corresponding catalysts to be located at the top in the right panel.

The main feature is the easy selection of substrates or catalyst using the lasso.

We’ll be using Detangler with substrates=people and catalysts=topics, for instance.



Thank you for the explanation Guy, now it starts to make sense. I know more or less what a force directed layout is, although I’m not familiar with the maths behind it.

MoN4 stage-setting conference call!

@melancon, are you free for an hour on Friday, say 15 to 16? I would like to touch base with you on the finishing touches to MoN4.

I’m in

Hi everybody,

I’m sorry for the long silence but it’s been a long any busy period for me.

I just wanted to confirm I’ll be attending MoN4 with @dora (we have accomodation sorted).

We also made some progress with python, relatively to my last updates on ER, but not recently. I’m planning to get back to the code next weekend and I’m confident I’ll be able to give you a better update, then.

I can’t wait to meet you in person :slight_smile:


s  t  e