Masters of Network 4: Networks of Care

Getting ready

To those of you who plan to attend to Mn4, and more particularly to those I expect to actively “play” with networks:

@Alberto @Hazem @dora @MoE @RossellaB – I must be forgetting someone …

We will be using the Tulip network viz framework. Tulip can be downloaded from its homepage (follow the download link). Other options are also possible, but we might enjoy Tulip’s python scripting capabilities. The Tulip API is quite intuitive, although the doc could be improved. I’ll be there to help.

Here is a file you could load after installing Tulip (install is easy, unroll the .exe or .dmg depending on the OS you are using). The file contains users, posts and comments, together with associated tags. All networks in this file connect different types of entites, users to posts or comments, comments to tags, etc. That’s why it is named “bipartite”.

Our task will be to explore how we may then model interaction between users, inferred from the available traces (comments to posts, by whom, etc.).

Once we have a user-to-user file, we will then want to use Detangler to inspect tags around which interaction takes place. I plan to make some code available to ease the process of producing Detangler files from user-to-user networks built with Tulip.

am having problem with installing tulip on ubuntu…am still new with ubuntu so might need some help. will try again in the morning though

Asking for help

I am not that used with Linux myself.

Did you have a look at the sourceforge forum? In case you do not find proper help, please send email to Patrick Mary <>, cc’ed to me. He is the main engineer in charge of Tulip.


Hackpad: please read and make improvements

Hi all,

It was really great meeting you today! I have written a report on the spot on the hackpad for this group.

Please have a look and make adjustments.

Enjoy the rest of the meetup and see you all online soon!


Hackpad updated

Great work, @RossellaB. I have made some improvements to the hackpad myself.

The main thing we need now is the code for the Wikipedia track by MoE and Dora.

Wikipedia code

Hi there, thank you so much for the event, it was a nice experience!

Our Wikipedia code is a branch of the spaghetti-open-data GitHub repository. The branch is called “dev-moe” and I think Moe has already sent a merge request.

You can browse the code here: GitHub - FuturoAnteriore/visualizing-self-diagnosis at dev-moe


Thank you!

It was great to meet you Dora, you guys are really impressive and we hope we’ll stay in touch.

I have not seen pull requests yet…

Documentation uploaded

Care happens in networks . People take care of each other. They seek advice, medical help and moral support from each other. They exchange … Obtaining a Master of Science (MSc ) in Networks can 192.168.l.254 be a great way for students to prepare themselves for the increasingly digital workforce. These degrees … The NCMS master’s degree is an interdisciplinary STEM program that teaches network engineers and other technologists how concepts like 5G and …