Next public presentation – 29 January 2025

Hi @reeflings !

On Wednesday, I’ll be picking up the key to the venue for the presentation in the morning, and returning at 18h30 to open up. At the last presentation, no-one showed up to help for the set-up, which meant that I didn’t have the room ready by the time the first people started arriving. So it would be great to have an extra pair of hands for that…

Can you please let us know if you are planning on being there on Wednesday, either before or after the presentation itself. Afterwards, it is particularly good to have as many Full and Associate Members as possible, to answer the many questions that the attendees have :slight_smile:

@alberto - are you planning on being there, and if so, can you bring the screen down?

@mieke - will you be there with the list for the door by 7pm?


Also, @Lee - I’ll be coming past your place on the way to the presentation, so will be ok swing by and grab the projector?

I won’t be home on Wednesday afternoon. Best to take an appointment via Signal.

Also: I will be there at 18:30 as usual, but I guess that’s taken for granted.


I’ll be there, happy to help with the setting up from 6.45 or so :slight_smile:

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I will do my best to be there at 7 and I will bring the list.


I can be there at 6.30-6.45pm I think

@Lee - I would like to know what you are going to say about full membership deadline? I see you put “3mo max” and didn’t include a slide about that phase, so I think I’m fully ok with it. But we didn"t get a chance yet to have the discussion again about how we were going to make the decision, and I feel a bit weary around the issue and need reassurance. Particularly with the fact that you mentionned that application will be welcomed from 2months on, I would just like to make sure that for the moment we say that the decision on FM will happen at 3mo, and not necessarily before that (or not say anything at all…). Thanks!

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The way I understand the revision of the membership process, is that it is possible to apply for FM after two months, which is a concession that @alberto asked for. Postponing the approval to three months does not make sense in my view, because then everybody can just meaninglessly apply after two months, just to be the first ones.

The reassurance I could offer could be this:

  1. It’s a decision that is taken by consensus, preferably with "hell yess"es only

  2. We still have the intermediate step where an AM should flag to their buddy that they want to apply, so that we have some ramp up and can flag that we think it is too early.

How is that for you?

@mieke would you be willing to add some questions to the survey?

Question 1: Which unit(s) are you interested in? => multiple choice (tick boxes, multiple options possible) with the list of units that is in the first column in slide 26 of the Powerpoint with the units: Login – Nextcloud

Question 2: Any questions or comments about the choice of your unit?


OK done. I invited you to the survey (by mail).

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So sorry Chris, I wish I could come but I will be working on Wednesday.


Hi @manuelpueyo!

Would you be willing to send out another newsletter?

I saved a draft in the Newsletter folder. I’m getting an error message online, but this is the file path on my laptop: … Nextcloud\The Reef shared folder\Communication\Mailing list & newsletter\jan25 newsletter #2


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I’ll be there 18:30.


I guess it does help a bit, but I’m indeed worried we will end up being forced to make a decision when we get an application. We will feel pressured to say yes to people who have applied early but are not necessarily a hell-yes, just because we’re not sure whether we will get more applications.
If we really think all buddies will be comfortable putting the breaks on things, then I guess it’s ok.

I’m not very comfortable with this, and I had understood we were going to discuss it before putting it out there (no critic, I just think there was a misunderstanding), but let’s see how it goes.

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This is true, and in my view inevitable. Certainly it was widely discussed when we decided to purchase the site as an incomplete group. Better make peace with it: we do our best, but we are not operating in an ideal situation.

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Yes. I will however leave immediately after.

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i think the communication folder does no longer exist in The Reef shared folder. please use Team External

I updated the slide deck in the “key documents” section. It is saved in Team External > Communication > Website assets > Key documents. There you need to check you have the version of 29/01.

Somehow I didn’t manage to maintain the link though. If somebody has the energy to take care of the consistency of the link to the slide deck on all 5 web pages that would be great, otherwise so be it.

Thanks @Lee for presenting and thanks to all the other Reeflings who were present yesterday :slight_smile:
I have just send out the survey to the 27 households that were present.
This is also a gentle reminder to update your availabilities in the Buddy excel sheet so that we can smoothly match exploring members with buddies in the next few days. Thank you!

@manuelpueyo I gave you access to the registration sheet, so could you add the new people to our mailing list? Thanks!


I heard nice feedback from friends that attended the presentation and who are really interested. Well done!


Thanks especially to @ChrisM @mieke and @Dave_Starhawk for the organisation!

Three registrations already. Yay!

On a different topic: @Hannah and @Jeroen can you please confirm your final choice by the 5th of February? Grateful if you could tag reef-coordination and reef-recruitment. TIA!