NGI Ethnography Team Calls

@johncoate are you referring to a different bi-weekly? This one’s just for this week because of @Leonie’s scheduling conflict. Is there something you urgently need to bring up? Otherwise, no worries if you can’t make it.

Right. I need to be at the ER biweekly meeting more than the ethno meeting, but I like the ethno meeting and do need to do some research on the upcoming people for the AMA.

ye, mainly the AMA stuff. Should we have quick check-in regarding that? Maybe we could start 15 min early and just quickly go through that before JOhn and me leave? (Only if you think that would be good to have)

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That’s a good idea, and we’ll stick to that format moving forward, so we spent 15 min on AMA, and the rest is up for codign review.


ok so the call starts 16:45?

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Revised agenda for tomorrow at 5pm BST:

  1. NGI while Mia’s away (5m)
  2. AMA prep (15m)
  3. Code review (40m): coding checklist

@Leonie @amelia , I realize our code reviews usually run crazy over time, so I was thinking we develop a coding checklist of 3-ish items for assessing salience of the codes. It can help us think through our codes individually as we code. And during the review, it can speed up the process and establish consistency. What do you think? Drawing from this ethnography wiki, a few starters I had in mind:

Is your code salient? Does it meaningfully capture the essence of what’s being said?

  • ex) participants discussing whether something is machine learning, AI, etc. → defining terminology

Is your code explicit? Does it make explicit what’s going on?

  • ex) interviews pushing back on dominant ways of framing an issue → nuancing the debate and reframing priorities

Is your code congruent with other codes?

  • ex) if we have already established convention for action-state codes as being --- then stick to the format → being practical and being strategic rather than pragmatism and strategies (former codes also more specific to what’s being captured)

What will it look like on graphryder?

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We still start 17:00?

@katejsim this is excellent, thank you! I would maybe add one more point: is it replicable/dynamic: is it broad enough for it to be relevantly applied across different threads?

@MariaEuler can you and @johncoate join for 5min at 5pm or can you only join if it starts a bit earlier? I am flexible either way.

one minor note for our meeting today: let’s briefly talk about the OxDeg talk we tentatively scheduled for the end of February. David asked for an abstract as they are putting together the programme for next term. I think we might want to consider moving this to the spring.

Told marina we will be 10 min late. Guess that is ok, can be there for a bit in the beginning.

where can I find the zoomlink for this?

where you planning on using the same link as mondays? That wont work as the edgeryder team host is beeing used at the same time for the biweekly meeting. But you could use the edgeryders community host. Ping me if you want me to set a link up for you. (Ping @Leonie and @katejsim)

that would be great @MariaEuler! Thank you!

2 Dec 2020
Bi-weekly meeting notes

Housekeeping stuff while Mia’s away

Upcoming AMA

  • Once the speaker makes a post, comment with a few questions. Remember that the AMAs are intended for ethnographically rich conversations–we want deeper rather than wider engagement.
  • Will need to debrief during next bi-weekly
  • @alberto has already planned the January AMA.

Code review

  • Discussed changing the format of code review, @leonie will be making a post about the structure and coding checklist in Code Review thread.

do not change your existing post, just make a new post with a snipped of it. would like to give it a try :slight_smile:

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hey :slight_smile: so I have forgotten how to access the interface where I can see the ethnocoding the way you guys see it - help?

You click “coding view” directly underneath thread title, which will take you to Open Ethnographer



  1. Debrief Erik’s AMA (10m): @MariaEuler @johncoate
  2. Discuss across-project concerns; Nadia’s code requests; and coordinating deliverables (30m)
  3. Code review (15m)
  4. Graphryder updates? (5m)

Trying to be accountable to what we discussed at the last meeting about being mindful about the time by structuring the meeting. Feel free to add/edit/adjust the items and time.

Call Notes:
present: Amelia, Leonie, Kate, John, Maria.

Debrief AMA
Had a good turnout, but the conversation topic varied widely. To address this, we agreed that from now on, when our team reaches out to speakers, we will propose a topic area. That way, the publicity posts and speaker’s intro post can clearly signal to participants what we will be discussing. It will also add the kind of ethnographic depth that we wnated from the AMAs to begin with.

Across-project concerns, etc.
We have plenty of rich content on platform as @nadia has pointed out, so the remainder of our time will be focused on the two tasks below: interpreting and analysing the content we have, and making sure that all of the rich community contributions are coded. This means that the most useful work @johncoate and @MariaEuler can do in collaboration with us is help us identify and prioritise what to analyse and discuss (of what is already coded, for example) and what should be coded with priority.

We need to do this in a structured, not ad-hoc, way, lead by the ethnographic analysis. This means being proactive rather than reactive with our analytical frames, making sure they emerge from community contributions and our ongoing analysis/ontology.

To best cover these tasks and produce rigorous and reflective analysis, @Leonie will focus on moving us into a more intensive interpretive analysis phase and @katejsim will focus on coding, making sure our ontology stays rigorous and supports the interpretive work we will all be doing in the latter months of the project.

  1. @Leonie will publish monthly reports from the ethnography team which begin the more analytical/interpretive phase of our work. These will be based upon:
  • bi-weekly ethno team/code review meetings, which will now be in part geared more toward big-picture thinking about the project as a whole, where we decide the topic and focus of the report.

  • conversations with @MariaEuler and @johncoate about what interesting threads they’ve read / reflections from community members.

  • quotes from threads assembled on an ethno quote thread (Community Member Quote Thread) with some context added, which anyone can add to the thread (specifically useful for @johncoate and @MariaEuler). These will help us when we are assembling reports to the commission/writing papers, so we can have the voices of the community in them.

  • discussions with Nesta findings/other partner findings, @nadia’s topics of interest, etc.

  • GraphRyder visualisations (with assist from @alberto if anything cool is emerging that a different Tulip look could enhance).

If people are interested in having the ethnography team explore a topic, we will look to include it in the monthly report.

The first report will be released at the beginning of February.

  1. @katejsim is focused on coding and will invest her time in getting as much of the existing corpus coded as possible. @amelia will code as well.

Code review
We reviewed coding memos that @katejsim and @leonie shared ahead of the meeting. We will spend the first meeting in 2021 doing rigorous code reviews.

Has now been updated. Make sure to ping Hugi for updates and Alberto for any cool visualizations.


ok cool. I don’t know if it is of interest to see some of the work I am doing at my end for the community journalism deliverable - I think it might give an idea of what “actionable” communication of findings looks like at this end? If yes let me know and I’ll grant you access (we have a strict consent process with the contributors and interviewees, hence not posting here yet).