Non standardised Forms: Standalone Multilingual, Event content contribution, Freelancers Directory, Event Registration (Summit),

1. Edgeryders Event Registration Form: Standalone Multilingual

Special feature: Multilingual

Edgeryders Event Registration Form


Welcome to Edgeryders!

Our theory of change is building dense networks around people trying to tackle messy socialecological, economic and political challenges. Having a dense network around you is one of the hallmarks of social capital, and gives you access to expertise, resources, skill sharing and financing. In a dense network, there are many ways for you to get from one point to another. A key challenge here is for people with aligned interests to find each other, and as a community we’re out to solve just that.

To do this we organise seminars, workshops, hackathons, retreats, Labs, research collaborations & build exciting projects where we put what we learn into practice.

This form is a tool to help you register and make the most of the event. It will also provide you with an account.

If you already have an account, please log in on and then click here to use the form directly on

Button: Next

Select your events!

Please mention the name / topic of the event you want to participate in, and the city or town where it is happening.

Button: Back
Button: Next

Good for everyone

These events are free of charge. Instead, we ask each participant some questions for you to answer in advance which help our team to do three things:

  1. Enable our community managers to connect people who ought to meet at the event.
  2. Customise each event so that it is especially relevant and generative to each participant.
  3. Process documentation from the event to produce a research report which turns individual conversation into collective insight.

The collected data is anonymous, collected on an open source platform. You can see, edit or delete it with the user account we will send you as confirmation.

Button: Back
Button: Ready?

(Q1/3) What makes life good for you?

Work, hobbies, family life, leisure, pleasure… Which activities from your present life would you like to keep doing? Which things would you like to never do again? Which would you want to start doing/do more of?

Button: Back
Button: Next

(Q2/3) Tell us about your journey!

What is an a question or desire that drives you or your work? How did you get started and what hurdles have you met along the way? Which doubts do you have about the work you are doing and the path forward? What kind of support would you like to offer others traveling a similar path?

By sharing your story below you enable others to connect you with people, conversations, opportunities relevant to your personal and professional development:

Button: Back
Button: Next

(Q3/3) What interests you about the event topic?

Great, now that you’ve made it easier for us to introduce you to the others – start to think about the topic and purpose of the event itself. Why do you want to participate in it? How do you feel the topic touches your work or life at the moment / in the future?

The last little bit!

These questions will help make your registration even better.

Name / nickname

Consent Checkbox: I understand that this form is used for community driven research. Researchers are encouraged to treat your answers as a window into societal, economic, technological, and political trends and transformations that affect us. As I participate in the discussion, I do not fear bad consequences when sharing with others my views and alignment on societal, economic, technological and political issues.

2. Edgeryders Event Registration Form: Propose an activity


The Edgeryders Festival is happening between the 19th and 29th of November in multiple locations in Europe and online. Tickets are not purchased with money, but with participation.

Button: Participate!

So, you want to join the Edgeryders Festival in November? Great! Your skills and knowledge are valuable. Perhaps you’re planning a demo, a seminar or a workshop that you want to plug into one of the planned events? Maybe you are planning a multi-day event with lots of participants? Or maybe it’s a meet-up in your city?

Either way, this is where you get started. If any of the questions in this form are not relevant to what you want to do, just skip them.

Button: Continue

1.What is your username on Edgeryders question is required. *

Type your answer here…

Button: Ok

2. What is your given name?

Type your answer here…

Button: Ok

3. Where are you based?

Type your answer here…

Button: Ok

4. We are focusing on a few topics this year. What are you interested in?

Choose as many as you like…

//Multiple choice checkbox//

  • Democracy, Justice & Rule of Law
  • Health & Social Care
  • Spiritual, Moral & Psychological Wellbeing
  • Technology for Good
  • Climate & Environment
  • Work & Prosperity
  • Resilience
  • Recovery & Regeneration

**Button:** Ok

5. Edgeryders Festival events are #nospectators events. All activities in the program are built by the participants, for the participants. Tickets don’t cost money, but require active participation. How could you contribute?

  • Contribute & plan an event
  • Contribute content to an existing event
  • Finding a location for an event
  • Curating event program
  • Setting up on location
  • Do Design & Communication
  • Invite an interested audience
  • Provide tech support
  • Take care of documentation
  • Other

Button: Ok

6. Let’s figure out some basic facts of what you are planning!

Button: Continue

7. In which country and city will it happen?

Type your answer here…
Shift ⇧ + Enter ↵ to make a line break

Button: Continue

8. When would you like your event to start?


9. How many hours will your event go on for?

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

10. And when would you like it to end?


Button: OK

Finding a good venue can be tricky, start early!

**Button:** Continue

a. How many people would you like to have attend your event?

  • Less than 10
  • 10 - 25
  • 25 - 50
  • More than 50

b. What are the requirements for the venue? (please specify here if you need electricity, internet connection, desks, whiteboards, etc…)

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

c. Do you have a venue in mind?

  • Yes, and it’s confirmed
  • Yes, but I need funding to book it
  • No, not yet
  • No, and I need help finding one

    Button: OK

Motivation! Let’s have a look at your, our and the participants motivation to realize this event!

**Button:** Continue

a. Please formulate a research question connected to your event:

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

b. What is the goal/expected outcome of your event?

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

c. Edgeryders is a research platform informed by online discussions of its diverse members on the platform. How could you include the goal to engage more people in the discussions on the platform surrounding the Next Generation Internet topic in the planning of your event?

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

d. Who would be your intended audience/participants?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

    Button: OK

e. What is your activity?

Button: Continue

b. Are you planing to invite other speakers/mentors and if yes, do you already know who/which type?

Type your answer here…

Button: OK

c. There are already events planned in the following cities. Choose all cities that you would consider traveling to for an event.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

    Button: OK

d. Would your activity work as an online session?

  • Yes
  • No

10. Do you need any funding from Edgeryders?


  • No

11. There is a 12000 Eur pooled budget to be shared by all the organisers of local events in the festival. As well as an additional 2500 Eur for travel.

Outline your budget. How much will your event cost? Do you have other sources of funding? How much would you like from the common pool of resources?
Type your answer here…

Button: OK

12. At which dates are you available for a call with our event program curator to develop on your session contents and description?

  • Add doodle here

13. At an Edgeryders event, you need to think about documentation. What makes Edgeryders events different is that we document what happens offline so that the conversation can continue online. When we document well, we are also able to do collaborative ethnography and really tap into our collective intelligence as an international community. At an Edgeryders event, you need to think about how what you do offline will continue online.

Button: Continue

“You need to ensure that there is a core team of documenters dedicated to making sure collaborative note taking (ad verbatum) happens during the event and that participants then post their reflections in comments/posts. How to do this? Post a call offering one ticket to the session in exchange for documentation.”

Button: Continue

You should also try to make sure that participants at your activity are already registered on the An easy way to do this is for attendees to register by replying to a thread on the platform. This enables the community managers to take a lot of the work off your hands since they can help with coordination, pushing out communication campaigns to draw engagement in your event etc. Also it makes it easier to drive conversations towards high quality experiences and outcomes.

Button: Continue

That’s it, all done!

Button: Submit!

3. Edgeryders Registration Form: Freelancers Directory

Choice A: Already a member

Choice B: New to Edgeryders

Texts A: Already Edgeryders member

1/ 3 About Yourself

Your Location

What languages do you speak?

Provide a general description of what you do.

A rough estimate of your hourly rate (only visible to community members)

If you do freelance work, do you usually charge per hour? This will help align expectations to save everyone’s time.

2/ 3 Professional Background

Your Occupation

What is your primary professional specialisation? Please only pick the ones that you can demonstrate work samples for…


List the skills related to the services you’re offering.

Additional Skills

Any other skills you would like to include in your profile?

Education/ training


Some gigs come with formal certification requirements. Have you completed any formal learning programs? Academic, vocational training, apprenticeships etc - tell us!

3/3 Online Presence

Work samples

Here we ask you to link to work you have done…

Personal Website

Maybe you have a wen

Portfolios & Networks

Github, Dribbble, Behance, Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud, Stackoverflow, other

Social Media Presence

Linkedin, Twitter, FB, Other

Personal intro

Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you especially enjoy doing, and what you would like to work on in the future. Also good: if you can tell us what is especially important to you when working in a team.

That’s it! Click submit and your profile will be added to our network of freelancers.

Texts B: New to Edgeryders

1 of 4 Create your account

First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Desired Username

1/ 3 About Yourself

Your Location

What languages do you speak?

Provide a general description of what you do.

A rough estimate of your hourly rate (only visible to community members)

2/ 3 Professional Background

Your Occupation


List the skills related to the services you’re offering and add your experience level.

Education/ training


3/3 Online Presence

Personal Website

Portfolios & Networks

Github, Dribbble, Behance, Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud, Stackoverflow, other

Social Media Presence

Linkedin, Twitter, FB, Other

Personal intro

Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you especially enjoy doing, and what you would like to work on in the future. Also good: if you can tell us what is especially important to you when working in a team.

That’s it! Click submit and your profile will be added to our network of freelancers.

4. Event Registration Page: Covid19 Summit

One page scroll down site with integrated form at the bottom

5. Event Activity (listening triads) Form: Instructions and Documentation

@owen for the forms in which people indicate Languages, location, Occupation and skills, Certification you used certain libraries - which ones?

Similarly I wonder if there are useful libraries for describing Organisations ( for people to submit information relevant to building consortia, joint fundraising applications, signing up to be community suppliers for certain goods or services etc) @owen

Add your organisation to Edgeryders bss directory

To make it easier for community members to send business opportunities to each other e.g by choosing suppliers from within the community whenever possible or appropriate we need an additional Form Module for registering community Businesses and Organisations:

Name of organisation

Your role

Where organisation is registered

Where business operates (can be more than one)

Your Offering

Products Description

Services Description

Keywords / hashtags

Ideally here we would have some visualisations that people use as references/inspiration wellbeing indicators, STEM fields, visualisation of NGI topics (btw @MariaEuler where can we find the final version of that), etc



Organisation size

Organisation/Company type (sole proprietorship, Family business, NGO, etc)

Legal status (how it has been registered)

Industry or Sector



Year founded

@Marina and @Andreja
We want to also know who we can reach out to and include in EU consortia etc. What information do we need to collect have about organisations (incl documentation needed) to determine if/when they are eligible to include in a joint funding bid?

Event documentation Form Questions

What are you taking away from this event? What are you learning?
What is the person who is speaking saying? Please try to write every word – sometimes a single word can unlock a lot of thoughts!

Answer here.

Where does it go from here? How do you want to continue? What are you curious to explore next?

Answer here.

name: Answer here.

you mean this:


Internet of Things
medical technology
artificial intelligence
Machine Learning
autonomous vehicles
facial recognition
neural networks
Internet backbone
voice assistant
network hardware
open hardware
open source
energy efficiency


free speech
data sovereignty
net neutrality
climate change
article 13
work conditions


data sharing
data mining
data centres
the cloud
user data


security vulnerabilities
cyber warfare


filter bubbles

1 Like


Access to essential resources

Medicines and health care
Purchasing power / access to finance
Housing / equipment
Home care and personal services
Education / training
Employment / work
Leisure, culture, sport
Information / exchanges

Living environment

Cleanliness / pollution / noise
Basic infrastructure and amenities
Service infrastructure and facilities
Meeting and leisure areas
Weather and natural phenomena
Production and work conditions
Landscape and living spaces

Personal relationships

Relations at work
Neighborhood relations
Friends / relations with friends
Family life / family relationships
Partners / loving and sexual relationships

Relationships with and between organisations

Organisation, management, finance
Fundamental rights / recognition
Transparency / communication
Access, information and contacts
Functioning of justice
Consultation / democracy

Personal balances

Personal time management and balance between activities
Physical balance and health
Autonomy, freedom, independence
Balance in relations with society
Mental / emotional balance
Spiritual life and religion
Personal development

Societal balances

Assertion and transmission of identities and values
Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources
Politeness, respect and tolerance
Demographic balances
Social mix / insularity
Equity and social mobility
Economic balance

Feelings of well-being / ill-being

Self-esteem / shame
Satisfaction / frustration
Peace of mind / fear
Stress / worries
Happiness / sadness

Attitudes and initiatives

Commitment in society
Politeness / sociability
Meeting / listening, being supportive
Dynamism, collective commitment
Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods
Personal activities and initiatives
Self-improvement / self-respect

Responsibilities and rights

Civil and civic responsibility
Laws and legal protection

I would say: previous experience in EU-funded projects (specifying the type of grant / programme); topics (domains) of interest; what they can offer as partners.

mmm they might not be aware that they are eligible to be e.G lead partners, we need to have answers to the questions that need to be answered so we know whether they are likely to be able to be lead partners in consortia, no?

@owen for the forms in which people indicate Languages, location, Occupation and skills, Certification you used certain libraries - which ones?

Two: V-Multiselect and VueTagsInput. These are built into the Webkit Form component.

Similarly I wonder if there are useful libraries for describing Organisations ( for people to submit information relevant to building consortia, joint fundraising applications, signing up to be community suppliers for certain goods or services etc) @owen

A better approach would be to find examples of these forms and if needed build input fields that provide the same functionality.

@nirgal Has made progress with the script and we’ll be testing it today.

The Webkit now allows you to write forms in the following manner:

<Form user="true" lang="en">

## Form Title
This is a form example with some introductory text.

<Field id="name" type="text" placeholder="enter your name" required="true" />

### A question 
Some description text..

<Field id="email" type="email" placeholder="enter your email" required="true" />

### What is your email? 

<Field id="proposal" type="textarea" placeholder="your proposal" required="true" />

### How can you help with the summit?
Examples include setting up session, doing documentation or helping promote it..

<Field id="newsletter" type="boolean" />


I can put this directly inside a Webkit site, or as a standalone topic on the platform.

If the latter, I can reference it from multiple Webkit configurations with the following markup:

<Form topic="4938" type="standard">

This allows us to use one single topic for different interface types:

  • as a standard form embedded in a webkit site
  • as slides on a full page similar to
  • inside a chatbot
  • as a printable PDF, etc…

We’ll have another update this evening on this.

who exactly is “they” here? what type of organisations?
the eligibility for the EU funds depends on each specific programme and the call. For example, in Horizon you need the financial capacity, but for some other grants no. We cannot really have a general template for this.

What do you mean by this? Are you thinking about e.g the information you give linkedin when you set up. business page or something else?


Organisation size


Organisation/Company type


Legal status (how it has been registered)

Add the url to your organisation or business in an official registry online? (e.g in the UK that would be the companies house website)

Industry or Sector



Ability to add Tags


Year founded

Yes - examples of forms with questions regarding organisations (size/industry/capacity/function).

We then can have a template that asks these questions and provides options, without having to write them from scratch.

do you know if there are libraries that cover all known professions, all known industry sectors etc?

Hard to find… the data sets I am using for countries and languages are from here:

If you google the field type + ‘json’ you might find some lists.

For example I found a list of occupations here:

But I think in most cases they will have to be manually copied from sites like LinkedIn.