OPEN&Change Workshop Documentation: Brussels Listening Triads

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«Doucheflux » pour les précarisés à Bruxelles avec ou sans papier, sans abri mais surtout très pauvre. Le projet consiste en 3 choses :

Permettre l’accès à des services payant (très bon marché !) ou non : douche, salon lavoir, consigne, permanence médicale, guichet d’information, etc.

Participation à des activités diverses mais qui ont en commun de redonner estime de soi et confiance en soi à ce public qui a très souvent une image très négative de soi-même (essayer d’enrayer ce mécanisme d’auto-exclusion = spirale infernale !)

L’organisation d’événements : sportifs, ludiques, lucratifs, et/ou intellectuels dont le point commun est la plus grande mixité sociale possible : horizontale et verticale (pas seulement les pauvres entre eux mais aussi les plus riches avec les plus pauvres : les mettre en contact : l’élite/la lie)

En terme de plus grand défi du projet est d’être ni infantilisant ni un nivellement par le bas ni intimidant (nivellement par le haut) = très difficile ! Donc, finalement, c’est du cas par cas.

Deuxième grand défi : comment établir une relation qui soit vraiment égalitaire en terme de respect, d’estime, de considération, de reconnaissance avec entre des personnes qui ont des conditions de vie absolument inégalitaires. Autrement dit : comment surmonter le racisme anti-pauvre.

Troisième grand défi : Comment surmonter l’égo des associations et optimiser les synergies et l’échange des bonnes pratiques ?

Quatrième défi : Comment repenser la collaboration avec l’Etat ou les autorités/pouvoirs subsidiants.


Le projet En Route concerne la santé mentale en Belgique, et plus précisément la pair-aidance, c’est-à-dire l’aide au rétablissement par les usagers pour les usagers, partant du postulat que le rétablissement est toujours possible, quelle que soit la gravité des troubles.

Nos défis actuels : :

-) sensibiliser le monde des professionnels en santé mentale, sur l’efficacité de la pair-aidance

-) obtenir un statut (administratif, fiscal, ect…) pour les pair-aidants en santé mentale.

-) mettre sur pied des formations

-) en faire une profession reconnue dans le milieu.


Le projet Réseaux solidaires veut lutter contre les ruptures sociales, voire médicales et thérapeutiques. On veut développer l’entraide et l’empowerment. On a commencé début août un atelier, ouvert à tous (nous sommes aujourd’hui 4), sur le capitalisme et le néo-capitalisme, avec un accent particulier sur les exclus du système qui, en privilégiant la concurrence, en laisse beaucoup sur la touche. Une journée de rencontre sur ce thème est prévue en décembre 2016, réunissant des malades (en santé mentale ou pas), des allocataires sociaux, des sympathisants de la cause des exclus. Une première étape sera le développement d’un volontariat axé sur la fonction, entre autres, d’aidant proche. Mais la personne aidée sera aussi actrice. L’axe formation, écoute, non-jugement sera très important.


I her personal life i am on the edge – looking for a purpose – voluteer festival – project house with?

Sustainable development – how can you fit in? – using usefull tools to understand how to live on a normal basis – chemistry – people who fall out the system? Personal interaction – being part of the, starting as a consumer – share expertise – in the mean time find a solution/answer


Passionate about health, preventing it

Former Medical representative : meeting with doctors made him realize that he was more interested in preventing health

Passionate about food, healthy food,

And want to inspire people to cook more : recipes for week menus for subscribers based on their profiles. Platform (from amazing)

Food is a part of our medecine and part of our prevention

“find your way yourself”

Connect people and health experts, through the Zing platform, give the experts visibility

Want to learn how open source community can inspire and give opportunities to launch his project

Challenge : good content and growing the community, more specifically about the credibility of the platform


Is a member of the association “réseaux solidaires” : a group to help people with mental health issues and who are isolated from society

There’s no website, everything is person related

He is  a member because he is sick himself.

Interested by the collaborative systems, how they work wihtout any incomes and business revenu model and capitalism structures

Within the social sector, he wants to have more perspective about this new system

A thought: a basic income could sustain the collaborative economy…

He’s looking for contacts, an informatician who can create a friendly and intuitive website, easy to use, but also to make known the initiative  “Réseaux solidaires” to other mentally ill patients, and to raise the awareness about the subject

So a platform to connect 


Started with squatters that occupy empty houses. People that were put out of their houses started to squat an office building of the French Community. Afterwards they had an agreement with the owner and had a legal way to stay in the building. The housing evolved to semi open housing with public workshops, community driven workshops, personal workshops.  63 People in the project. Equilibrium between people with no revenue (eg. Refugees), jobless people, people with normal revenues. Everybody needs to pay money to stay, but people without money pay €60 per month, people with basic income pay €90, people with normal income pay €120/month. There is a non-profit organization that talks to the owner of the building. This entity is administrated by the people who live there. There are different levels of involvement. However, everyone is involved in one way or another: legal, lobbying, administration, … Representatives are chosen among the inhabitants. Some revenue is generated through workshops. Every Sunday there is an open kitchen day in agreement with le Marché des Tanneurs. They recuperate all unsold vegetables to make a vegetarian dinner. People pay what they can to participate. Other examples are exchanging clothes, bike workshop, body workshop, painters workshop.

Loïc’s expectations and reason to be here: Brussels architect, thesis on access to housing for everyone. He wants to get his organization to be known to other players, in order to create bonds and cooperate. He is applying to also live in the organization at the moment. He is already active by participating in workshops and events. The biggest challenges are public recognition, destigmatization of squatting.à_LHABITAT_PAR_LOCCUPATION


Noémi Part of edge riders core team to learn about the projects she read about and put faces on the project

she is involved 5 jears as edgeriders

Working on projects is funding the team.

Her tasks are one of a startup community management, …

there are 5 directors 3 work on a daily base.

having low visibility on the edgeryders can be linked to people not enough posting stories and following up the site.


Coming from Ghent, involved in DIY biology = hacking and tinkering outside of institutions and companies to make biology more accessible. People get the biological tools to build their solutions. We have equipment and a physical space in Ghent, and make sure that science is communicated in an accessible way. We put an emphasis on children and priviledged groups, otherwise they don’t get access at all.

One of Winnie’s projects is developing materials based on mushrooms - forest mushrooms edible ones, but one that works well is corio… (fill in?).

Loic mentions a structure of three floors based on a similar tech in the US - but that’s a very classic, commercial model. Reagent in Ghent wants to do it in a completely open, decentralized way.

How did you get access to the qeuipment?

We got sponsored by the FabLab in Ghent, got used equipment from companies and produced some themselves.

As for costs, we try to cover overhead with membership fees and workshop fees.

Are you trying to go somewhere else?

We tries to do it in Bxl, were very close to opening a space but didn’t [reasons?] There is no ecosystem in Brussels - but generally anyone could replicate their work.

Usually in school biology is taught in theory, learning how the body works but no practice or learning about producing materials or what people work on in professional fields. There is a very big gap.

Can you train adults as well?

Yes, for the mushroom as material we do it for professionals, architects etc who want to learn.

What is the biggest obstacle?

It’s going well…[laughs] Maybe financing: finding money for education is very hard.

What makes your initiative successful?

Not sure if we’re successufl. There’s people who believe in it and are passionately working on volunteering basis. As opposed to Fablabs, which are becoming institutionalized and have certain limitations [explain again pls??]

Reagent happens in Ghent because people and parents really care about working with children and having fun, whereas in Brussels people are too solution oriented to just go and have fun.

We cooperate with other non-profits, universities, care companies etc. We noticed that cooperating as a word is very nice but you need a very concrete project in order for that to happen. We have a partnership with the Marine Institute to develop a workshop for children.

Are institutions aware of your work? or do you operate outside?

We are not structurally funded, but we are open. Right now it’s all bootstrapping.

How much time…?

[laughs] Too much.

Lotfi, Xander, Selvi, Kacim

What are you doing

Lotfi, travaillé dans le secteur des personnes agés, dans les années 2000, début des année, Selvy avait parlé de tous ce qui est intergenerationel, on voudrait travailler la dessus. Dans notre culture (tunisie, afrique in general) c’est logique, mais le probleme c’est le financement , mais après on a vu que ça c’est reveilé dans la politique. Mais pour le moment c’est que des projets porteur politiquement, mais au niveau de la pratique c’est difficile, il faut une periode d’amorsage

Pour lotfi, ce n’est pas seulement un truc de solitude, c’est aussi un apprentisage de valeurs, de fenomene sociaux. Cotoyer les personnes agés, on de la socialisation, car les gens de different milieux vont apprendre l’un d’autre, le phénome d’etre utile. Les gens agé en occident sont vieux et agé, et plus utile, tu attend

Kasim responses: the old people are sepperated from the rest of the adults, they don’t have a conextion.

Did you already done projects: we have started some construction works. We don’t talk about generational society, we don’t valorise the old. Social mixity yes, no generational mixity

Xander, Works with young children, works with behaviaral problems , and autism,

What are the main challenges for your job: it is that there is no real cure

The school is made for children with autisme, they stay there. A mini society would be very nice.

When he is 18, it is finished, so you are all alone, what with autism problem?

The problem that society wants to see everybody cured fast.

Selvi reacts: would this be possible to bring to the intergenerational thing,.

Kacim he is a syrian refugee, he was 4 years in the doctor studie, but couldn’t do it here. In syria we have an islamic solidarity in society that creates a kind of health system without organization, like you have to give a part of your money to the poor, you have social care system that is organized by the people itself. If you haven’t fastened for one day, you have to give food to 64 people. Every doctor works one day for free. That is how we can survive under a dictatorship.  We are already prepared for any kind of chaos, it is made for any kind

I want to see the hole society as one body, here everybody lives in his box, boxpeople. You live together but you don’t live together. You are online, but not connected, we have to discuss, to see each other more. This is my new society, so i want to care as much about this now.

It is much more complicated within syria, because it are different armies. `

Qu’on soit a damas, timbuktu ou bruxelles, on partage tous la terre. Les virus et les bacteries ne s’arretent pas a la  frontiere. Quand on parle de santé, une experience , on doit voire tous ce qui sort de partout car ça peut nous aider.

How do you make change