Ownership and Community Key to Coworking

Delighted to see you on here, appreciate your contributions that represent the Irish perspective, alongside @NACEC

@nachorodriguez and his efforts in the Canary Islands will be of interest to the Irish attendees but also he is so willing to share his experiences. I got to visit his locations there and learn more in November 2019, during the https://nomadcity.org/ conference. One of the aims of this event is to connect people within the sector so learnings can be shared.


Hi folks.
I’ll be joining the panel discussion next week.

I’m interested to see where the discussion goes and in hearing peoples perspectives from around Europe.

A bit about me / my organisation:

I set up The Melting Pot, Scotland’s Centre for Social Innovation - back in 2005. This is one of Europes first coworking hubs - for the market of social innovators - long before there was a discussion about ‘is it co-working or coworking?’!

Over the past 15 years we’ve worked with thousands of people helping them access brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We’ve also incubated 100 new social change projects through our www.Good-Ideas.org incubation programme.

But perhaps of most relevance to this thread, is the hundreds of people we’ve worked with around the world over the past 6 years, all trying to make coworking happen in their communities. Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.

I look forward to talking more in person at the Virtual Summit.


Hallo @CormacMcCann dunno if you already know @ErinW but reading her it sounds like you might find it fruitful to connect: Recover from COVID with Flexibility

Hi all. Really interesting conversation. I am relatively new to the whole coworking arena. I came on board with a fabulous coworking spaces their centre manager/business development manager in February. We are based in a unique setting of an old convent, and have renovated the building to a high specification but kept the historical aesthetics of the building. We have a coworking space, as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too. I am interested in the coliving coworking idea, as we still have more scope for renovation which includes all of the old dormatory rooms and kitchen in the building, and as we are situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom mountain range and in the centre of Ireland we are at an ideal location for remote workers to work, and travel around the country. Look forward to Tuesday.


hi @ClaireCarpenter welcome and looking forward to meet you next week. It would be nice if we schedule a call to help us produce a post like Nachos this week. This helps the participants to get to know one another ahead of the event, and for us to coordinators to shape the contents, key questions etc around the participants current interests, experiences etc. Would you and @MariaEuler be up for it? if yes @kajafarszky could help us set up a time that works for you both.

Hi @Bloomhq how interesting. Have you heard about the unMonastery? We prototyped a new model for coworking/coliving in an ancient city in Italy for a year. Many lessons were drawn. It could be an interesting model to learn from. There is an Irish contingent in our community who followed the work and later explored the possibility of setting up something similar in Galway. They could tell you about their experiences @noemi could you ping them maybe? I wrote a bit about it here to give a bit of context: My own path to working with others on the internet and what I hope to explore with others during this event

Hello @ClaireCarpenter and @kajafarszky, I could do this afternoon or Thursday before 16:00.

Claire, your 15 years of experience in this field sound super interesting! I would love to hear from you about what are the best options to accelerate coworking.

What is the biggest change/challenge in the current crisis in your opinion?

Hello! Is this the right place?


hi and welcome Bernie, yes this it :slight_smile:

Hello @ClaireCarpenter and @MariaEuler, how about a call tomorrow, Thursday at 14h CEST?

Helle @Berniejmitchell, great to have you here!

What is your opinion on co-working in the public and private sector?
And what is your connection to co-working?
How has your work changed in the last 3 month?

The best technique is to minimize the rules and allow the colivers to build their own coexistence. When asked about the “rules of the coliving” we normally say : “respect the rest of the colivers and the shared space the same way you expect to be respected”


universal imperative of co-living

I agree that the Golden Rule is best - if everyone can stick to it!

Some people are neater in the habits than others. In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator…a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.

So when people live together, this dynamic can assume a larger role. Often in group living the ‘neater’ people wind up doing more housework because they can’t abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.

But in a setting where the golden rule is respected, then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn’t get resentful and be too much of a ‘nanny’ then things can remain harmonious. Discussions of the problem can happen without triggering ‘fight or flight’ responses.

I lived in groups for years - on a bus, in rural and urban households and with a relatively large family. Everywhere I went some version of this dynamic played out, sometimes satisfactorily and sometimes not.

are people long term residents or more on some kind of break/ working vacation?

Such an interesting discussing. Thank you for that. I agree that having people know how to coexist whether that is in a coliving or coworking senario is the key aspect when creating a community and a shares space. Now more than ever people need to respect one another and be aware of sustainability.

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Hello and thanks for the opportunity to contribute to this discussion. My responses are as follows:

  1. my opinion on co-working in the public and private sector:
    I am a longtime supporter of the concept.
  1. my connection to coworking:
    I have been a remote worker for years, and after moving from my hometown (Canberra, Australia) to another city (Split, Croatia) set up a coworking space and continue to provide services to remote workers living or visiting Croatia.
  2. Changes over the last 3 months…
    Unable to use our premises due to lockdowns (now over), but a steady trickle of new business, as a result of people wanting to escape the confines of more congested cities (mostly Europe) and have the Mediterranean lifestyle - work and vacation blend.

Look forward to learning more on the conference call.


Hi Tanja, nice to have you here on the platform, thanks for joining! I’m sure you will find this event and discussions useful, especially considering your new plans and projects around the remote work. (also, let’s catch up one of these days in Split) :wink:

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Hi Nacho,

Very interesting post and gives a great insight into your thinking behind what you are doing. You have shown that being a smaller space is no limitation to growth and evolution. I find what you have done with Co-Living very interesting and something that could be implemented here in Ireland which is only now really looking at doing it. Since the lockdown over here we have also started an organisation for spaces in the south-west to share ideas and provide support.



hello everyone (hello @nachorodriguez) - I am curious to know whether there is a role for emotional intelligence in the continued growth of these communities? I live just outside London and coworking facilities have been sprouting up around me. The ones that seem to be successful and ‘add value’ to the growth of the community are those where participants understand and practice the skill and the owners or facilitators of that space encourage EI behaviours. I would be interested in your thoughts. Thank you very much. Sandra