Please review the Fellowship announcement text and make final amendments where needed



i’m available for both time.

but I think this will be more possible tomorrow (Friday 13th at noon Paris time)


My input

Did you need my input on this? It was not clear from the text above. (it said maybe not)

I’m travelling but if it of the outmost importance I can reschedule an take part in the meeting.


@melancon what platform are we going to host this call on?

Meeting Friday May 13, noon, Paris time

This does not have to be long. I want to have a live discussion to make sure I am not missing any important point before coming back to Loretta.

Prepare all material and arguments such as the one exposed by Alberto in the above post. I need this to back up our request. I plan to have a draft of a document and will circulate it when done. You might only find it later today (remember I just got out of bed … :slight_smile:

We meet here ) on hangout

Not sure I’ll be on time tomorrow…

I’ll do my best…


I might be late

Hello all,

I have an impromptu office meeting at 11 this morning … I therefore can’t guarantee that I’ll be there from the start, I might join at about 12:30 at the latest, sorry :frowning:

UPDATE MEETING about fellowship


I think that we need an update meeting about the fellowship situation.

I heard that we’ve something to discuss!

let me know using this doodle

@Alberto @LuceChiodelliUB @markomanka @melancon @Rossana_Torri @Lakomaa

Thanks, my specific question:

Clearly the more problematics seem to be the larger amounts - the case study fellowships. With research/storytelling fellowships at ER we have an explicit deliverable for 20 commissioned blogposts - which are commissioned to fellows, so that shouldn’t be an issue. What I would need guidance is looking into the contracts needed. Is there a way we can simply give the 250eur per piece based on an invoice?


Situation still unclear

Hi all, (this comment intersects with

@Alberto and of course @Noemi and @Nadia – I actually don’t know who is on the sterring committee for ER,

@Costantino and of course @zoescope – again I’m not sure who is the “official” WeMake person on the steering committee,



@markomanka (and @Massimo?),

@Rossana_Torri (anybody else from City of Milano?)

The question asked by @Noemi will get an official, clear and administratively/financial robust answer after we have met with Loretta – but this will have to happen in July due to schedule constraints, mine and Loretta’s.

It’s nevertheless a good idea to have a live discussion as suggested by Costantino. Please fill in the doodle – this is mandatory for those who are on the steering committee. We will need to also spend some time discussing all this live in Stockholm too. Let’s say we use the call to go over the facts before we study the situation again in Stockholm.

The live discussion could be framed around the possible scenarios to fund fellowships (Case study fellowships):

  • Hiring people as interns (feasible for academic institutions such as UBx and EHFF for sure)
  • "Appointing" people is feasible, when at least this is part of the organization usual administrative processes (@LuceChiodelliUB can clarify). Loretta indicated the commission has eased the terms under which "appointments" can be made. More to come later on this.
  • Subcontracting is an option but requires that we amend the Grant Agreement -- and we can't be 100% sure the commission will accept to amend it the way we wish. @Noemi: as far as I understand, paying on invoice is considered as subcontracting.
  • Giving away money does not comply with the commission's financial, admin and legal rules. I know this is bugging us, but ignoring the rule can have a number of consequences.

City of Milano

Hi @melancon and all

I informed Lucia Scopelliti and filled the doodle. We are available on the 8th.

Should you opt for other dates, no problem. We discussed the topic with WeMake and Costantino can bring our point of view, so as to advance the discussion.

As you said we’ll come back to the topic at the consortium meeting.

Thank you!

Research Fellowships are not giving away money

Hey @melancon, I am replying here to your earlier comment on the community call notes so we have all fellowships related content in one thread.

So I had agreed above  to the document describing the process of selection for our reviewers, but because the discussion around fellowships is still pending and because we have no green light for the larger fellowships, I hadn’t put up any public page.

For the purpose of the Op3nCare Research Fellowships (paid articles) I am willing to append a document to go along with the reporting. But technically these are not free prizes, they are ER process for contracting articles - which are still to come. Citing Alberto from above: the 20 small Fellowships are the 20 high quality posts mentioned as part of task 2.1 (mentioned also as deliverable D2.2).  D2.2 is due in November, care of Edgeryders, and will be the collection of articles.

For the purpose of the Case Study Fellowships we will need to draft it together with partners and launch the document in compliance to EC requirements. The 3 large ones are the open competition mentioned as part of task T1.2.  The Open Competition text as Deliverable 1.3 is care of SCIMPulse. I will help put it together if @markomanka calls for help, but what to put in, given the above discussed stalling?!

Open Competition text as Deliverable 1.3

@markomanka as deliverable 1.3 lead beneficiaries

– please everyone go back to @Alberto 's post on deliverable seen as shared responsiblities

@Noemi who offers to help, and other EdgeRyders and Scimpulse people, @LuceChiodelliUB as admin head

Deliverable 1.3 due date is today. Because the Open Call obviously links with the possibility we have to fund fellowships, we had more or less decided to wait until we had discussed the issue with Loretta. This won’t happen but in July (a first foreseen date was June 3rd, but we had to postpone it because Loretta wants the coordinator to be physically present at the meeting, and I am stuck in Quebec until mid-June).

The situation we are in does not allow us to be as precise as we would liked to be in te Call regarding the type of funding we are offering.

Here is what I propose. We nevertheless deliver a version_0 Call text to comply with the deliverable agenda, and omit information that enters the scope of the future discussion with Loretta. We may however produce an accompanying document explaining the situation, explaining why this is version_0 of the Call, and update the deliverable following the July discussion. I think submitting something that’s partial is preferable to not submitting anything – we would then need to produce a document explaining why we didn’t submit on time (which, in terms of effort, equals the effort needed to write a 1-2 page accompanying doc).

@markomanka ?

We have the version_0 call:

It’s this section here.

it doesn’t let me click the link

Hi @Noemi

it says: denied , when i roll over the link at the footer of the browser




Dunno. But clicking opens a denied page where a simple hackis to just edit the link removing the first word. Fixed it anyway… should work

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We (I) have a problem

@markomanka and @alberto and @LuceChiodelliUB

Thanks @Noemi for pointing at this version 0 doc.

I don’t understand why Scimpulse has not responded to my comment.

Here is what the coordinator believe is the right action to take, partly because we (UBx) are left with no clear signal. I understand the situation is blurred but we nevertheless have to forward a deliverable to comply with our agenda.

I am unsure the version_0 doc is from EdgeRyders only. Has Scimpulse been invited to review/edit this doc. I plan to use this as a starting point assuming we (UBx) have to do it.

Please react if you feel I am mislead. As I had mentioned, I think it’s wrong to adopt a wait-and-see strategy and not deliver anything.

Costantino is on the steering committee

The “official” WeMake person on the steering committee is @Costantino

Conference call?

Was any decision made on when to hold a confernce call?

Further, isn´t this an internal ER issue? I have no objections on how other project partners chose to use their funds.

Yes, conference call today 13:30 CET

Thanks for the reminder Erik.

No it’s not only an ER issue, as far as I understand.