Plenary meeting 31/07

Hello @reeflings,

We are having our next plenary meeting this Monday. Because we are in the middle of the summer break, I propose that we hold the meeting online, so that some people who are abroad can join.

The draft agenda is in the usual place:

There is already a link to the updated Powerpoint on the scouting strategy, and to the folder with the pre-feasibility studies.

Two proposals are still undergoing their peer-review:

  1. Process to select a site for a feasibility study
  2. Role description for the negotiators

Hopefully we can finish them by tomorrow evening. If so, we’ll send a message in this thread.


Hello @reeflings, just a quick heads up that the proposal on the process to select a site for a feasibility study is ready and the link is in the agenda. See you tomorrow!


Hello @reeflings,

I realise there’s quite some documents to look at before the meeting, and that most of it has been a bit last minute.

If you could spare another 10 minutes ahead of the meeting though, I think it will be helpful if you could have a look at the post that I created on the entire site purchasing process from beginning to end, given that it is quite complicated and we need to keep the overview if we want to stay on top of things.

This is the link: From scouting to purchasing a site: the process step-by-step

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Hello all,

I was looking at our minutes document, and it looks like there are no minutes from the last meeting.

Does anybody remember who was the note taker?

@manuelpueyo was :wink:

Ping @manuelpueyo, can you please add your notes to our minutes document? Many thanks!

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i was not taker on the meeting of 13 july at lies. but not the one after…

My mistake, sorry

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