Questionnaire, Instructions and Materials for coordination of our COVID2019 community response work

This is a place where we are designing the questionnaire to figure out who wants to do what so we can match people with the right crew and workspaces. Please add more questions if you see something important is missing!

General Info

  1. Name/ ER alias

  2. Email

  3. Active on Social media + handles/join list

  4. Location (Country)

  5. Languages

  6. Which topics are you most interested in at the moment?

    • Work/Labour: How has our work been affected and how have our day to day lives changed? What tools or practices have we used to cope?

    • Learning from the Past, Taking Notes for the Future: What are we learning from this crisis that informs how we’re thinking about responding to other crises, like global climate change?

    • Acts of Kindness and Solidarity : What do we need to do to help each other get through?

      • Digital Communication: What has changed under social distancing? What tools have we used to stay in touch, and how has it felt to use them — how have our relationships changed or been mediated differently?
      • Mental Health and Surviving Boredom: What are we doing to cope with our social day-to-day lives …boredom …anxiety?
      • Technology before and after What technologies are were talking about now vs a month ago? What do we now relate to topics like " innovation" or new technologies like artificial intelligence? What hopes or doubts do we have about their potential? What fears do we have?
  7. Preferred roles; Which/if any of the roles below best describes what you feel confident doing? Pick one or more! Maybe you can think of something we have missed? Great! tell us!

    • Collaboration DJ: We need a small team of coordinators who work together to build a ganntt based on the above and then check in with the different people involved to ensure they know what they are to do when, flag any potential delays etc
    • Question Asker: Defines the topic/subject of the call for projects// helps Project Leaders, Mentors and Contributors to develop their stories //asks people to elaborate more and based on this// produce concise descriptions of topic they are addressing, project & why it’s important incl context and a bit about the person// as well as to better elaborate/define what they want to achieve and why/what it says about their view of future of internet/digital)
    • Synthesist: Read threads and write concise descriptions for each project, bios/short intros for each PLS, Mentors, PCs/ As well as specification of what they are looking for / task description/ Skeleton call for contributors
    • Storycrafter: You work with others to produce engaging description of what we are doing + call for PLS, Mentors and PLs/ Produce succint descriptions of tasks to make clear to general public (and make it easier for people to find “their people” and know around what to engage with them), Craft engaging feature articles + text for flyers featuring each person/ Produce status updates to draw conversions on social media/ Write email for engaging Problem Owners (potential adopters or financers of solutions)
    • Community Engager : Do research in platform archive for “best of stories and or comments” around the set themes// Reach out and re-engage the people who posted best stories and or comments with question of how they are and how/if things are different now
    • Mentor : You have domain expertise you can contribute to help guide people working on projects
    • Matchmaker: Talk to the Project Leader, Project Contributors and Mentors - propose teams based on what complimentary skills that are needed and offered to complete tasks for the projects.
    • Future Forwarder : Produce MOU/Social contract on how each org will pay it forward/work to make the effort of everyone worthwhile/generate opportunities to support the professional development of each participant. E.G Feature them/ the process/ lessons learned and lobby for EC and other institutions to invest in the cloud of insights+ solutions attached to it .
    • Other: (string entry field)
  8. Current situation: to help us have a rough idea what kind of contributions asks are not compatible with your current situation

    • Employed (full time),
    • Part time,
    • Freelancer
    • Student
    • Retired
    • Stay at home parent
    • Would rather not say,
    • other
  9. Availability (need to give some options):

    • 3 minutes a day
    • 15 minutes a day
    • 30 minutes a day
    • 1 hr per week
    • 2.5 hrs per week
    • 1/2 day per month
    • 1 day per month
    • 2 days per month
    • Other:
  10. Wants to work on which kind of activity:
    A. Organise Weekly online community video gatherings, or " Campfire Chats" related to the themes that we are focusing on//
    B. Work on a specific project or solution// (OCI lab)//
    C. Source Stories for seeding conversations (directly) on the following topics that can act as mind/conversation openers:

Follow up questions

10.a selected —> Wants to Organise Weekly Online Community video Gathering/ Campfire chats

  • What would be the topic of your Community Call/GAthering?
  • Who is going to be a featured guest/speaker/expert in your call
  • Are you already in contact with that guest or do you need our help to invite them?
  • Do you have a community to invite on top of the Edgeryders crowed? Please describe:

Ref: Guide to Organising Online Calls

if 10.b selected —> Wants to work on a specific project or solution

Which of these three options best describe you

  • am already driving a project and is looking for support (Project leader)
  • Have an idea and want to develop it (Project Leader)
  • Am looking for a project to contribute to as a volunteer (Project Contributor or Mentor)
  • Am looking for a business venture aligned with my values that I can invest my time in with the view to generate income for myself in the future
  • Am looking for a paid freelance gig
Project Leader Questions
  1. What is the name of your project?
  2. Tell us about the problem that you hope to solve through your project?
  3. How will you solve it?
  4. Tell us about the progress you have made so far?
  5. What are the challenges you are facing to implement your project?
  6. What are the skills that the collaborators, who might join you in your venture, should have?
  7. Is this affiliated with one or more organisations?
    7a. Name of organisation
    7b. Location/where it is registered
    7c. URL for organisation website
  8. Is your initiative commercial or not for profit?
Project Contributors Questions

This is for anyone who: Has a set of skills. Is looking for a rewarding experience. Wishes to use her/his skills for the common good. Wishes to take part and contribute in an activity to respond to the COVID19 crisis

  1. Could you let the other participants know a bit more about who you are? This will help everyone to connect you with the right conversations, people and initiatives
  2. Pick what you think you can help with/ would like to offer:
  3. Anything else you would like others to know about you?
Project Mentors Questions

As a mentor, and for a few hours per month you will be supporting meaningful projects that would bring positive changes to communities, right now the focus is on COVID19 initiatives. Our project teams, as well as the Edgeryders Community at large, appreciate your efforts and your guidance. Our top mentors, in terms of dedicated hours and added value to the projects, will be offered…Who knows, you might find your next innovative project that you could join or invest in :smiley:

if 10.c Selected ----> Wants to Source Stories for seeding conversations (directly) on the following topics that can act as mind/conversation openers

  • @alberto @amelia how can we use the SSNA/Ethno codes/analysis/tools/summaries/visualisations from previous projects to help with this?
  • Ref Guide: How to source stories
  • @matthias when the migration happened from drupal, where did all the ER1 content from the campaigns and missions go?


  • We do not collect any personal data, except an email address. You are welcome to use a one-time email address (although then you will have to keep good care of your login credentials!). We do not enforce a real name policy. Your content on Edgeryders belongs to you, and is publishes under a Creative Commons-BY license. See our privacy policy for details and suggestions on one-time email providers.
  • The Edgeryders conversation is an engine of collective intelligence, that anybody can use for research. For research ethics reasons, we want you to be aware of it before you can post. So, please answer the two questions of our research consent funnel.


  • In the confirmation notice on the form submission url:
    • Reminder to Check that they got verification in their iemail nbox & click on the link
    • Add a sentence about changing their email configuration settings to ensure notifications from edgeryders platform do not end up in trash (does anyone know of a good instructable or one-click code for how people can do this? ping @trythis :))
  • In the Email confirmation
    • Add a sentence/one click link for how they can adjust what notifications they get from Edgeryders.
    • Add a sentence about changing their email configuration settings to ensure notifications from edgeryders platform do not end up in trash (does anyone know of a good instructable or one-click code for how people can do this? ping @trythis :))

Where does this go?

The answers all go into one category ( the equivalent of a folder where you can leave comments) here on the platform. What happens after is:*

  1. A script picks up and organises the information*
  2. The results are displayed so that we can easily use this information to find/matchmake/point one another to the right place based on what they are interested in, can offer, need help with etc
    • Which conversations around themes of interest to you are happening
    • Which activities and projects are already being worked on by community members and and what kind of support they need (as well as how you can add your own iniitative and ask for help on it)*
    • What kind of resources are available for what work and how are they managed
    • Who to contact if you want to get involved in something and how

All content from the original Council of Europe project was sorted into the Knowledge Collection sub-categories.

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I will put together a draft guide for setting up calls - but we don’t actually have a standard : not even zoom is standard anymore because there is another video hosting tool that Owen is setting up.
So a guide without a process would be moot.

It would be great if there questions would be available in a form like the Festival Registration form we had last year - I see it’s no longer on ? if a new one is being developed, then ignore this :slight_smile:

Too vague.

Not necessarily needed, we wouldnt be able to process the info anyway at this stage.
Better keep with the keys questions: 6,8,10.

its is being put together, based on the questionnaire above

yah this one - looks nice actually.

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Ok guys,

could you have a look at Howard’s suggestions in this post and peole’s comments on it and help adapt the questionnaire above based on it? The idea here is to collect info about people to make it easier to channel people to where they can be useful to one another’s efforts.

@johncoate @alberto @MariaEuler do you think you could help with that?

Added some questions for call organisers above. Not sure about how to involve Howards text in that, more orga questions, but the deeper stuff is maybe better somewhere else but in the form? (which is already quite long…)

I do not think that we have that yet. We are now starting to standardise this with this initiative as for as I know at least.

How ever, I am still a bit confused about the whole questionnaire and how it correlates with the website and the work. Who are the people we would want to fill it out? What are the incentives for them? (I would like to understand that better to now what would make sense to ask them and how much we could ask them to invest timewise already just to fill out the form. For the festival that was a bit clearer (in my mind))

Not sure I understand the question. Also, I would be careful to extend the NGI promise “we are going to do an SSNA of the conversation you contribute to”, because we are not funded to do that. It’s going to be best effort. For convenience, the phrasing used in NGI is:

ok cool

where is this text intended for?

About consent funnel questions. Please note that the funnel has also answers, and a kind of “user journey”: if someone replies the wrong thing, they are given feedback. The whole texts are in this file. That said, the current questions are below:

  1. This platform is used for research (learn more).
    Researchers are encouraged to treat what we post into it as a window into societal, economic, technological, and political trends and transformations that affect all of us. As you participate in these discussion, you might reveal where you stand with respect to important societal, economic and political issues. Knowing this, which of the following best describes your position?

    • I do not fear bad consequences when sharing with others my views and alignment on societal, economic, technological and political issues.
    • I worry about the the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them. But I will participate in the conversation on this platform under my real name.
    • I worry about the the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them. Therefore, I protect my identity to a degree I think is adequate, for example posting under a pseudonym, using a fake e-mail address, using a VPN etc.
    • I worry about the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them, and I don’t know how to deal with that risk when posting on this platform.
  2. This platform is only loosely moderated, to avoid harassment and exploitative behaviour, but to allow unconstrained conversation. Knowing this, would you:

    • Share my credit card’s details at another participant’s request.
    • Engage in a conversation about important issues in my country, and how it should be reflected by the government’s policies.

This was supposed to be the text for the new NGI Forward site, made with the webkit. Is this happening, or is now overriding everything? I am confused :frowning:

the idea here is to have one questionnaire that funnels people to different questions depending on what they are interested in. If people want to help with projects, they go into one set of questions to answer, if they want to go into another, then they get a different one. All of the answers go into one spreadsheet that makes it easier for us to follow up, do onboarding, matchmake and split coordination efforts across team members (e.g project leaders, contributors and mentors go off into the OCI Lab community mgt team wheras people who want to help coordinate calls end up being contacted by either you or Noemi depending on what theme they chose ( e.g work or migration is noemi, acts of kindness and digital communication goes to you, learning from present taking notes for future goes to amelia and alberto)

I don’t want to second-guess all of the thinking and work that has gone into this, and I think I would need to see a sample of how this questionnaire flows to see if its considerable complexity makes sense in a user interface. Looking at the text it seems fairly daunting. To me especially the huge list of roles seems like a lot of pigeon-holes. Maybe that is necessary for export, and again, the interface could smooth this all out.

And where does the questionnaire fit in sequence with the erwork minisite? Which do you see first?

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We need to launch it in connection to a program or something bigger (like the OCI labs), otherwise we will just lose a lot of people because there will be nowhere to direct them that is ‘meaty’: curated content, skills sharing, mentorship, etc. These roles (we reduced them to 3 because of the reasons you mention too! see below if it’s better?) will be best deployed if there’s a number of projects on ‘roster’ that everyone looks at. We need to look in the same direction.

  • Community Engager: You like to see collective intelligence in action. You work with others to produce engaging descriptions of what we are doing. You post calls for participation and convene edgeryders in online gatherings (webinars, community calls etc). You do research in platform archive for “best of stories and or comments” around the set themes, then reach out and re-engage the people who posted best stories and or comments with question of how they are and how/if things are different now. You produce status updates so others can link to them on social media and bring new contributions.
  • Storycrafter: You are curious and like to have meaningful conversation with others. You will craft engaging feature articles starting from summaries of existing platform conversations, or go out and interview community experts and mentors (online), then publish their story in a platform topic. After a story is posted, you provide summary text so that others can make digital flyers featuring each person and story, and engage others to join the conversation.
  • Mentor: You have domain expertise that you wish to share. You can be the guest of a webinar, or contribute to guide people who have posted about challenges in work, wellbeing, digital communication and other themes, as well as people working on concrete projects. You participate in community calls and interviews when you are invited, and contribute advice and comments on the platform.

Someone could be any one of these at different times though.