Redesign the user profile page

more kudos :slight_smile:

programmers and “geeks” are the most hard working people i know

without them we would not have to worry about the designs

we would not have to drive / ride any car :slight_smile:

kudos to them :slight_smile:

Toolkit for Dorotea

“programmers and “geeks” are the most hard working people i know”

Haha … thanks, I guess :slight_smile:

Finally I got your toolkit together in Drupal so that you should now be able to go on with the user profile rework:

  • You can edit the order of fields in the profile form in Account settings: Manage fields.

    No change to how we did it until now.

  • You can group fields in the profile form with the field_group module that you proposed.

    It was indeed the best for the job – good find! You can use it from a little form at the bottom of Account settings: manage fields, to show field groups on the form to enter user profile data (and the registration form, I guess). As we don’t use Account settings: Manage display any more (see above), field groups are not available for the rendering. Instead, that job has to be done by CSS layout of the view output.

  • You can edit the rendering of the top (single-column) part of the profile with the User Profile Fields view.

    I had to replace the Drupal default renderer since some nasty stuff got inserted into the rendering that could not get adapted or moved, like “Report User”. That’s why the profile page now even looks uglier than before: I left the design job to you :wink: This change also means that the order of fields in the rendered profile is no longer controlled by the Account settings: Manage display page. Instead, it’s done in the view linked above.

  • You can edit the panels and layout of a rendered user profile page by clicking "Customize this page" resp. "Change layout" at the bottom.

    This will affect the pages of all user profiles, since we did not “panelize the node”. The “Customize this page” functionality is also available in the backend here (different interface, same functionality).

So … have fun with some hacking, I’d say :slight_smile: I guess you can ask Alberto if you need help with the interface of Views, and in case you get stuck with anything else, you’re invited to another hacking session with me. If you get stuck, no issue. It’s quite complicated stuff and it took me some hours to figure it out up to this point (and I did not even test all the features of your new “toolkit”, so you’re kinda in unchartered territory now).


That all sounds great, and I confirm I know how to use views. So, to summarize: user profile fields view controls the big top box in the user profile page, detailing personal information about the user. “Customize this page” let’s you move around blocks generated by various views.

In principle, you could clone user profile field view and make it into different blocks. Then you could have “specialized” blocks: a block, say for social media accounts, another for geo information etc.

[Dorotea], there is a design choce to make right at the start…

You got it.

[Alberto], exactly as you say. I created that first view called “User Profile Fields” as a starting point / demo, and sure, you can split it into more views if you like.

little offtopic non tech thoughts on user profile

User profile look and content is important for many reasons, to me it’s important because I would like to crowdfund next lote. It is actually crowdfunding the crowd.

I have difficulties to fill in profiles as a user: I just simply hate talking about myself. May be we can do some sort of interviews with each other to get a good content for the user profiles?

I mean, this can be optional. Some people know how to write brilliant bio for themselves. I hate it. I always think it is either too much or too little, too self critical or narcissistic. While on the platform, discussing or building something, we find out a lot about each other. Even more when we meet. I think I will be able to try it out in Matera this time, specially coz I will be joining the video doc session (which I piggy back on with the CF session).

But apart from video documenting: I can’t still put my finger on what it can look like: some sort of collective bio writing… I think it can improve the “project” field and the content of the user profile in general.

I’m aware of the fact that what you’re discussing here is a design of the user-profile which enables a user to comfortably fill it in and get a good result. As I’m not a techie, I get this kind of thoughts: user profile improvement by less geeky means.

purpose of user profile

I would transform your question into a more general one: what information should be included in the user profiles that can help in displaying EdgeRyders members to the outside world?

This question pertains not only to crowdfunding, but also to the consulting business model. How can we build member profiles that project the values and qualities of the community to outsiders?

A second question you have raised is how to acquire that information. One typical direction is through direct user input (as is the current situation). You are suggesting a more community driven dynamic. One direction to explore could be something like endorsements on LinkedIn … where members could endorse other member based on actual interaction and experience.

Marking this as done – and maybe starting a new cycle?

Guys, thanks for noticing – the profile page was in fact redesigned some time ago, by the wonderful [Dorotea] and myself with [Matthias]'s tech support.

Of course, we can always do better. In this respect I agree with [iamronen]'s lucid analysis. Maybe open a different, more focused task?

I will open another one myself based on something we did not get around to doing in the first iteration of redesign: installing Geofields + Leaflet and migrating the locational data in the profile to it (as per this comment above).